Friday, May 18, 2018

A Godly Woman Is Subject To Her Husband, Part 2: Her Husband, Titus 2:5

A Godly Woman Is Subject To Her Husband, Part 2:Her Husband

Titus 2:5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

A godly woman has this quality, she is
  • Subject To Her Husband - the male partner in a marriage, a frugal manager
    • This woman is bound to her husband, not to anyone else
    • She does not make her decisions based on
      • popular thought
      • her friends' choices or lifestyles
      • magazines, tv, movies, or other media
    • The internet isn't her source of pleasure or satisfaction
    • Her time is spent finding ways to please her husband
    • She realizes that work outside the home will destroy her relationship with her husband and God, if she makes herself subject to her boss.
    • Being the helper of her husband, is the desire of her heart.
    • Only God comes before her husband, nothing else
    • Her love for him exceeds her love for anything else, save only God himself.

A and K, this teaching has all but left today's church: "A woman should not work for a man, only her husband". Sounds sort of silly even to me, but think of all the sins that have occurred between a woman and her boss. It is the same in churches. Many a secretary has run off with the preacher. Teacher and students, pastors and secretaries, aspiring young women with older bosses... google it, it is easy to find. What I am saying is this, when you stay focused in your marriage, knowing you are responsible and subject to your husband, you will see the dangers are real and will avoid the destruction that happens when you think its old fashion silliness. ~Dad

Oh, A... you are to be subject to your father until you marry that special young man God has for you. And if you never marry, at some point it ends up being to God himself.

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