Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Teachings Of The Church, Titus 2:2-10

Teachings Of The Church

Titus 2:1-10 (1)
You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine

Lets take a quick review of what Paul says should be taught in church... This doesn't mean that there are no other teachings but that these attributes must be included in a teaching of a doctrine that is sound.

We are to teach people to be honorable, self-controlled, not to slander, pure, kind, busy, not stealing things from others, examples of good, trainers of the next generation.

K & A, a Christian's life is supposed to be different than the world's. They cheat and connive and put others down. We give to those that are in need, work to support others even to help them succeed ahead of us, and we lift others up. We do this out of a pure heart.

Consider what you do, daughters. God expects you to be different. Be holy and pure that those around you may desire Christ in their lives.


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