Thursday, May 24, 2018

A Godly Employee Does Not Steal, Titus 2:9

A Godly Employee Does Not Steal

Titus 2:9 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, and not to steal from them,

A godly employee
  • Does not steal - to take with the intent to keep or to take without permission
    • This person will not utilize things they have not asked to have
    • They will not take items because the other person can afford to get more or because that person has more than they do
    • Being conscience of the boss's time, they are careful not to keep blabbering on.
    • They are careful to be to work on time and put in a full days work
    • If they start late, they will work late to make up the difference
    • If the boss lets them off early, they make sure the time is made up another day... they are generous in going beyond what is expected
    • Others employees can trust them not to take their stuff


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