Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Godly Employee Is Subject to their Boss, Titus 2:9

A Godly Employee Is Subject to their Boss

Titus 2:9 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, and not to steal from them,

A godly employee is
  • Subject to their boss in everything - under one's control, submission to another
    • These type of employees don't work for themselves
    • They follow the directives of their company
    • When the boss say to do something, they do it, not try to get out it
    • The bosses way is the right way, even if it may not be the best way
    • If something can be done a better way, they suggest, they do not demand
    • They do not go around bad-mouthing their boss or the company
    • A Christ-like attitude of not complaining is portrayed

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