Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Godly Men Reviewed: Older Men Once Boys, Titus 2:2

Godly Men Reviewed: Older Men Once Boys

Titus 2:2 Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love, and in endurance.

Titus was taught that people in the church have a responsibility to be godly. Certain character traits define them. Below is the complete teaching on godly men, older men specifically.

A & K, someday you may have children of your own. Teach your young boys to aspire to these traits, and when they are grown, you will be grateful they allowed God to work in their lives!

Older men are to be...
  • Temperate - marked by moderation
    • This person will keep himself from swinging on the pendulum
    • He will not be excessive in eating, drinking, exercising, style of clothes, hair etc...
    • Will not go overboard on being stern or in being lenient
    • He will not be boisterous
    • He is even keeled, relaxed but not lethargic, firm but not overbearing, jokes but does not cut down others
  • Worthy of Respect - held in high regard
    • People see how he acts and approve
    • He is honorable in his dealings
    • Loved by those around him
    • Lives in a way that people can trust him
  • Self-control - able to restrain one's own impulses, emotions, and desires
    • He is able to control his anger
    • Sexual desires do not master him
    • There is an ability to stay calm and controlled in tense situations
    • "Once-in-a-lifetime" deals do not fool him into foolish purchases
  • Sound in Faith - firm in doctrine
    • He does not waver in his faith
    • This man knows the truths of the Word
    • He knows what God expects and live accordingly
    • Bowing to the latest church fad doesn't occur in his life
    • He knows there is more to Christianity than just John 3:16
    • This man knows that God is the same in the Old and New Testament
    • He believes that ALL Scripture is God breathed and useful in his life today
  • Sound in Love - cares for others
    • He treats others well.
    • Caring for the needs of people marks his life.
    • He lives the attributes of love found in 1 Corinthians 13.
    • He is not cruel nor does he degrade others.
  • Sound in Endurance - ability to withstand hardships
    • This man keeps going when things are tough
    • He doesn't allow life's circumstances to control his perspective
    • Suffering is something to conquer, he perseveres through it
    • Hardships make him stronger

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