Thursday, May 10, 2018

A Godly Woman Loves Her Children, Titus 2:4

A Godly Woman Loves Her Children

Titus 2:4 Then they can train younger woman to love their husbands and children

A godly woman has this quality, she
  • Loves - to care for, be attached to, to look out for
    • This woman provides for her children like the Proverbs 31 mother.
      • She gets up while still dark to do so
      • Her arms are strong for the task
      • She makes clothing and linens
    • The affairs of her household are in order
    • Faith and obedience to God are more important beauty
    • Her children do not fear for they know she protects them
    • She is not idle and stays up late prepare for the day to come
    • To her children, she imputes wisdom and faithful instruction.
    • Her children know she cares about their spiritual lives

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