Saturday, May 5, 2018

A Godly Woman Is Not Addicted To Much WIne, Titus 2:3

A Godly Woman Is Not Addicted To Much Wine

Titus 2:3 Likewise, teach older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.

A godly woman has this quality, she is
  • Not Addicted To Much Wine* - an alcoholic drink made from grapes
    • This woman will not get drunk on wine
    • She will not linger over wine
    • When it sparkles in a cup, she will not look at it.
    • She will not even sample it.
*A note from ~Dad

Daughters, you know my aversion to alcohol. Just because the Bible allows the drinking of wine in some passages, doesn't mean it is best for you to drink it. The Bible is very clear about not being drunk - it leads to debauchery. And it warns specifically to avoid it when it sparkles and when it is smooth. IT is very popular among some "christians" to these wine tasting events, the Bible says not to sample bowls of mixed wine.

But what about the use in the Bible... Christians in Argentina and many other countries always dilute alcohol before the use it. In previous generations it was used as medicine and many of our medicines today have an alcohol content, complete with warning labels and laws against misuse. We have plenty of other products that satisfy our palates and heal our ills, so we can easily live without it. 

It is best to avoid it altogether, Never drink, never drunk! Is my motto, make it yours


More warnings from ~Dad...

A & K, you will see the use of alcoholic drinks continue to grow among church people. They will make all kind of excuses why it's okay to do so. Do not be fooled. It is a deep, disguised pit Satan uses to capture people, especially Christians.

For the most part, I choose not to even use items that resemble alcoholic drinks or bottles or glassware. Weddings, holidays, and honoring someone are times when Christians like to imitate the world. They buy sparkling cider, uses champagne glassware, buy drinks that look like beer... to me this is foolish.

Two examples...

You can resist... I was asked to serve champagne at a wedding, I refused, even though I was part of the wedding party, and when they "toasted" the bride and groom, I refused. I did not want anyone to think I was drinking, no way! It got me thinking and from then on, I never lift my glass to drink to someone. Isn't there a better way to honor and lift up a couple or anyone than to "drink to it"? It doesn't fit a Christian's character.

Years back, I told someone about my view and they scoffed. A couple years later I attended his wedding. There they had the "appropriate" glassware. And then out it came. The young man arrogantly grabbed the wine bottle and pompously placed it in the center of the table. Later they opened and passed it around for all the wedding party to enjoy. (They rest of us had some kind of juice.) I doubt if many knew it was non-alcoholic, or at least I don't think it was. You couldn't tell from where I was sitting. Why was there a need to mimic the world when you have no intent to drink? Why make people think you are? Why pretend that you are? I just do not understand... why?

Daughters... it's not worth it. Not for you nor for your children to be. It will become harder and harder to take a stand. But, purpose now to stand even if you are the only one who will.


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