Sunday, May 27, 2018

Godly Employees Are Learders, Titus 2:9-10

Godly Employees Are Leaders

Titus 2:9-10 Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.

K & A, you have worked for others. Have you considered yourself to be a leader as you worked for  others? As Christians, we often lead from behind. The way you live, the things you say, the way you look, the things you do, develop a pattern that others see. You will lead them away from or to the Christ you love. Consider the synopsis of the responsibilities of slaves, I mean workers... you may be the difference whether others make it to heaven just be how you fulfil your daily tasks. Live in such a way that they will desire Jesus to be Lord of their lives


Godly employees will lead if the are taught to
  • Be subject to their boss in everything - under one's control, submission to another
    • These type of employees don't work for themselves
    • They follow the directives of their company
    • When the boss say to do something, they do it, not try to get out it
    • The bosses way is the right way, even if it may not be the best way
    • If something can be done a better way, they suggest, they do not demand
    • They do not go around bad-mouthing their boss or the company
    • A Christ-like attitude of not complaining is portrayed
  • Please their boss - to give satisfaction or pleasure
    • These type of employees make their boss happy
    • They work in such a way that their boss wants them on their jobs
    • Knowing they won't hear complaints, the boss seeks them out when a tough job comes up
    • The boss know their jobs will be done right the first time
    • They make the boss's day go more pleasant
  • Not steal - to take with the intent to keep or to take without permission
    • This person will not utilize things they have not asked to have
    • They will not take items because the other person can afford to get more or because that person has more than they do
    • Being conscience of the boss's time, they are careful not to keep blabbering on.
    • They are careful to be to work on time and put in a full days work
    • If they start late, they will work late to make up the difference
    • If the boss lets them off early, they make sure the time is made up another day... they are generous in going beyond what is expected
    • Others employees can trust them not to take their stuff
  • Be trusted - relied on, confidence in, dependable 
    • This person is keeps their word
    • They have shown reliability in character
    • Knowing the work will be done, the boss selects this person for the job
      • They do not sit around and gab
      • They are diligent to the task
      • They do good work
      • They keep busy to the end
    • When given confidential information, they do not share it with others
    • The boss can count on them
  • Make attractive the gospel message - arouses interest, appealing
    • This person makes others desire Christ by how the act in the workplace
    • They way they work shows Christ's character
    • When there is conflict, their responses amazes people
    • Unreasonable demands by the boss do not rile them
    • No unwholesome or vile words ever spill from their mouth
    • Their work is completed with excellence and skill no matter how minor the project
    • Co-workers cannot understand how they can be so different
    • Others want to know what makes them tick
    • They are Christians and others can tell

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