Friday, August 23, 2019

I Am, Deuteronomy 5:6

I Am

Deuteronomy 5:6 I am the Lord your God who brought you up out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

In a discussion or for a sermon based on this verse, we could go in a few different directions; The Lord - Your God, What is your Egypt, or even No Longer A Slave to Sin. For today, and for the discussion in the context of the Ten Commandments... I want to focus on the phrase I Am.

Remembering where the phrase came into use, we know that God was declaring his authority. "Who should I tell them sent me?" asked Moses. "Tell them, I Am sent me to you," the Lord replied. Moses was afraid to go speak to his people, because he felt he had no authority, and he was right. God, the creator, the one who was, who is and who always will be - the I Am has the authority to declare what is and what will be! It was true for the Hebrew people, it was true for Pharaoh, and it is true for us today!

K and A, The Ten Commandments are given to you by God, the I Am. He has the authority to declare them. Right and wrong is determined by him. Man cannot create his own set of morals. God sets morality! Murder - wrong, Homosexuality - wrong, Sex outside of marriage - wrong, Lying - wrong, Coveting - wrong... Never yield to the pressures of the world or of the circumstances around you. I Am determines your eternal destination!


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