Sunday, August 25, 2019

No Other God's, Deuteronomy 5:7

No Other Gods

Deuteronomy 5:7 You shall have no other God's before me.

What is a god? A simple definition might be what one looks to for control over nature and the future and for moral authority. Some religions have gods for each aspect of life; Science and Arts, Weather, War, Luck/Chance, Of the Unknown, Agriculture/Food, Wine, Sexual Desire, Procreation, Of the Dead, Strength, Of Sleep/Dreams, Nature, Solar System, Oceans, Disasters/Storms, and Death and more (Greek gods and goddesses). The reason I mention these is to show areas in life where we might set up '"gods" in our lives that take the place of the one true God - Jehovah.

What do we turn to which takes the place of God in our lives? Let's name things that can become gods to us: Science, Mother Nature, Alcohol, Abortion, Lovers, Pornography, Drugs - legal or otherwise, Nicotine, Marijuana, Coffee, Doctors, Acupuncture, Psychics, Horoscopes, Dating Services, Internet - bonjour (tv commercial),  Friends, Music, Work.... I think you might get it by now. Anything can become a god in our lives to replace the one true God, I AM!

K and A, be careful you do not place the trust for your health and welfare, whether physical or spiritual, in any person or thing but only in God. He is your source for moral authority. He defines what is right and what is wrong. No one can give stability in your life besides Jesus. When you turn to other things, they will at some point fail you. Only God does not fail; he will not fail you    nor forsake you! Place your faith and trust in him alone. Make him your God. Have none besides him!


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