Saturday, August 31, 2019

God's Name Holy, Detueronomy 5:11

God's name Holy

Deuteronomy 5:11 You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Weak... many modern translations do a poor job in translation of the use of God's name. The Hebrew for the word the NIV translates into misuse actually translates to the word vain. It is unclear what it means to misuse God's name. It is much more clear to understand what it means to take the Lord's name in vain. Synonyms for vain include, worthless, useless, pointless, without purpose, and, of course, inefficacious! Basically, it is to use God's name as a by-word, an add on, or to make you sound more believable. (Another definition for vain is about one's self - narcissistic, self absorbed. I couldn't see how that fit until now.)  To use the word vain helps us understand what it means to misuse God's name.

K and A, sadly, it is way to common to hear someone swear using the name of God. Especially... I can't write it. You know what it is. That became popular by the original Magnum PI TV program and it has taken on life in abbreviated form in social media. Growing up, people would use substitutes for the word God or Jesus. Today, people say it without qualm. Only Christians use the substitutes.

Daughters, please be careful not to get caught in the trap of using substitutes words. I have seen good people write out the abbreviation on Facebook. I'll name a few word for this post that I feel uncomfortable even thinking long enough saying and writing them... OM gosh, I've seen people write. We all know what they mean. Jesus said let your yes be yes... you do not have to add to your words to make it believable. Some say they don't mean anything by it. It's just an expression, an interjection to give emphasis. Isn't that the whole point of the commandment!

God's name is Holy! We are not to use it flippantly. It is not to be used to boost our points, not to be given as a promise to swear by. He is not an expression. His name is to be as Holy as the One it represents.

Isn't it then just as wrong to use words a substitute for him and his name? Take Geez - here is what the top definition is on - Short for Jesus. Used by Christians who don't want to "use the Lord's name in vain" Check out the word Sheesh on that site too. The world knows what they mean when good people say it. Why don't Christians understand what they are saying... Should we really have a substitute for God or his name - NO!

Remember what God says - he will not hold anyone guiltless... I do not understand fully what that means, but it sure doesn't sound good! K, I understand that you haven't grown up with this teaching, and it can be hard to accept when you know so many good people who use substitute words for God. Please consider this exhortation, and treat God and his name with respect and holiness.


Understand that although the Bible talks about  harsh words - swearing. We must understand that taking the Lord's name in vain is much worse than any 4 letter swear word we can utter!

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