Thursday, August 29, 2019

No Idols IV: Today's Idols, Deuteronomy 5:9a

No Idol IV: Today's Idols

Deuteronomy 5:9a You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God am a jealous God,

 In thinking of this topic, we need to consider what an idol is. Specific to this commandment, it is a graven image, something made in the image of God's creation to which we bow down and worship instead of its Creator. I do not think it is wrong to expand on this concept to mean anything we place in importance or give credit to for our needs or even desires. All belongs to God and whether we have created or developed it physically or mentally, it can fall into the realm of worshipping something other than God.

So let's name some areas in life where they exist and also name some specific ones. If you think of anything else or disagree, you can make comment;

People: Spouses, Boss, TV/Movie Stars, Music groups, Sports Players, Business People, Preacher, Teachers, Self

Events: Holidays, Anniversaries, Race Day, Football, Sports, Hunting, Get-togethers Revival/Camp Meetings Church

Animals: Pets, Farm Animals, Show Animals

Things: Cars, Houses, Tools, Kitchen, Man Cave, Cabin, Camper, Guns, Clothing, Jewelry, Phone,

Other: Money Success, Education, Aptitude, Training, Abilities, Career, Physical Build, Good Looks, Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Food, Safety

It appears that anything can become a god, if we choose to worship it other than the true God, the I Am. There is a website that is devoted to teen idols called The most common adult idols are pornographic or sexual related, of course that could be said about the teen one in a lighter way - sexual in nature that is. There are adults idols whose names I never heard of - of the top 25 listed when I "binged" common idols of today, I heard of name 24 - Emma Watson. Not sure who she is, but I heard of her.

K and A, What idols have a tendency to creep into your life? What takes your time, what encompasses your thinking, what do you spend your free time doing, where does your money go, what do you rely on to make life worthwhile.

  • TV & Movies steal time away from God, Bible reading and meditation
  • Clothing/Jewelry/Makeup can rob you of true worth... your hair really isn't that important, your clothes don't have to be the latest style.
  • A spouse is a partner you lift and encourage to help them succeed in serving God. God is your protector, supplier, emotional stability
  • Music is crucial in worshipping God, but elevating a group or style steals from his glory
  • Technology steals money and gives direct access into wickedness - twill be the death of the Amish if they aren't careful
Daughters, you know what I think of pride. It steals the glory from the Lord. It is directly related to idol worship. Idol worship is anything that we look to which brings hope in life, which give a sense of security, and an ere of satisfaction and contentment. These attributes are not to be stolen from God. He is the one who supplies what we need. Give him the credit, the glory, for what you have and look to him for what you need. He hold the keys to it all, for he owns it all! 


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