Monday, August 26, 2019

No Idols, Deuteronomy 5:8

No Idols

Deuteronomy 5:8 You shall not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath, or in the waters below.

This commandment is specific in making idols... physical representations of gods. If you look at Greek mythology, each god has a statue, a idol. If you take a look at other religions, you will see they too have their idols. These are hand made, crafted items, some very large, others very small. Man thinks up a god, creates a model to represent it, then worships what their hands have created. We saw this happen soon after God gave the command not to make idols when the people of Israel made, then worshiped the golden calf. Foolishness!

K and A, when I grew up idol worship seemed odd, yet today we see it happening in our country. I had a student go to Mexico, and when he returned, he gave it to me for good luck... something I could hold and pray to. In your lifetime you will see idol worship increase. Remember the amulets used in 90's cartoons for special powers... many Christian parents bought them for their children or got them in McDonalds Happy Meals... Uncle John warned us of what the really were for they used them in Thailand in their cars and around children necks. They are a house for the spirits you pray to for protections etc... Be careful not to get lured into a trap of innocent looking trinkets. Satan has wriggled his way into many a home. Tomorrow we will talk more of how Satan has done this in the lives of Christians.


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