Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Inscribed By God Himself, Deuteronomy 9:10

inscribed By God

Deuteronomy 9:10 The Lord gave me two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God. On them were all the commandments the Lord proclaimed to you on the mountain out of the fire, on the day of the assembly.

The commandments of God to the people of Israel were part of the covenant he had designed for them. He had promised to take care of them, if they would be obedient to his commands. They would be his people, and he their God. Try to grasp the special arrangement the God of the universe was making: If you obey me, I will be your God... they could have the true God on their side, protecting them and supplying for their needs! That is amazing; the Creator of all things would choose a people for himself, his own treasured possession

Yet there was a catch, they had to obey his commandments. How would they know what he wanted them to do... He would proclaim it to them and give to them a written copy. God took a stone and made two stone tablets and inscribed on them the commandments they were to follow. These were the words of life itself, the words of life eternal!

K and A, The Ten Commandments are poo pooed today as just a set of guidelines for us. Even in the church we are often told that these are part of the old covenant and do not apply to us. I beg to differ! They are still the words of life to us if we follow them. Certainly, they are incomplete as far as forgiveness of sin, they were in Moses' day as well. They are not salvation, but they are the character of God in written form. People like to say... the commandments are to love God and your neighbor. They are right - even Jesus said so, but what many fail to recognize is that the Ten Commandments along with others written in the OT are how we carry out the command to love! These commandments are not just good words used as a guide to living, they are the way to life God desires to inscribe on your heart.


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