Tuesday, August 27, 2019

No Idols II: Or Else, Deuteronomy 5:9

No Idols II: Or Else

Deuteronomy 5:9 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of their fathers to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me.

Again, I said in the last post, it seems odd to us in the US to see someone bow down to an idol. It happens everyday, but in our circles it is not seen, even on TV we do not see it portrayed. Be assured it is happening, and it will increase in frequency. Know this, God is not pleased! He told the Israelites that he would be sure to punish them for doing so, and not only them but their decedents as well. God expects everyone to give him honor, but to those who know who he is, he expects adherence to his ways. And with those who lead his people, he demands a greater accounting.

There is a truth in the OT that we think nothing of today. Our sin does affect others. We are not an island unto ourselves. Not only do sinful escapades have direct affect on the lives of those who commit them, but when Christians sin, it often destroys the faith of others. Not only that, but this verse shows us how disturbed God is with not keeping him first in our lives... he says he will punish those that sin and also carry that punishment to their children down to their great-grand children... that seems severe! It is. Sin is not to be thought of lightly especially worshipping someone or something other than him!

K and A, determine to only worship the Lord. You cannot have two master, you cannot serve God and partake in the pleasures of sin. You must choose and God is the only real choice to make. Live for him!


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