Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Ten Commandments, Deuteronomy 5:4...5

the Ten commandments

Deuteronomy 5:4...5 The Lord spoke to you face to face out of the fire on the mountain... and he said:

Again I want to stress the importance of the Ten Commandments. They are under assault in the United States. This is true not only in our society and court system but also in our churches. These commands to the Israelites were not just good ideas. They were and still are the actual words spoken by God for his people to live by.

K and A, as we take another look at these commands of God from the book of Deuteronomy, keep in mind they are Gods words to you. Paul told Timothy that they are good for training in righteousness. He could use them to teach, rebuke, and correct those in the church. Now remember, although these can lead you to salvation, doing them will not actually save you... our faith in what Christ has done on the cross, the acceptance of his sacrifice for our sins, is what cleanses us from sin. The Scriptures, which include the Ten Commandments, are God words to you which train you how to live as God desires (righteousness). Christ is the only way to rid our lives of sin, and the Spirit is the only was we will ever live out his commands.

As in all my posts - this is an overview of what I believe God wants me to tell you, not an exhaustive study... you can do that on your own.


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