Wednesday, August 28, 2019

No Idols III: God's Love, Deuteronomy 5:10

No Idols III: God's Love

Deuteronomy 5:10 but showing love to a thousands generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

What is the opposite of punishment... LOVE. Now we know that God is love and that he loved us and gave his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Therefor we know that he loved us before we loved him, for we could not truly love him before he took away our sin.

Wait, doesn't this verse say that if we do not love him he will not show us love? Sounds like we are in a catch 22. It looks as if it says that he won't show love to us unless we love him, but then we can't love him unless we have been saved, but that can't happen if he hasn't shown him love to us but he won't show love to us unless we love him... that make my head spin!

Daughters, God loves you and desires you. Long before you understood anything spiritual or felt the tug of the Spirit on your heart, God reached out to you. Yet you must realize now that you are a follower of Jesus, you must be obedient to him and to his Father, or he will punish you. First that is in the form of discipline, but if you refuse to acknowledge him and worship other gods, you will bear his eternal punishment! John 14:21 says that those who obey Christ's commands are the one who truly love him. Those are the ones the Father loves and Christ does as well!

K and A, The Lord loves everyone, yet wide is the road to destruction... sadly many follow it. Narrow is the way to eternal life, few find it. You have found it! Walk in it daily by following the Lord's commands and you will sense the love of the Lord in your life and later in those whom you bear.


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