Saturday, March 4, 2017

Don't Go Back, 2 Peter 2:22

Don't Go Back

2 Peter 2:22 Of them the Proverbs are true: "As a dog returns to its vomit," and, "A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud."

What a strange sight. I wasn't sure why.  So gross, how could he do it. Our little beagle was with me out in the bunk silo. We had only lived on the farm a few years and never used the bunk silo. Grandpa, my dad, was having us dismantle it.  The walls were made of tongue and groove creosoted boards. To me, it was a miserable job, but there I was, me and my dog, because I was told go. I was trying to work, when all at once the dog started coughing and hacking and up it came. Whatever he had eaten came out all chewed up but solid like a hotdog.

Yeah that was gross, but that wasn't the worst.  After a few seconds the dog felt better and straight back to the puke he went. He began licking it, eating it up... yum, right? As long as my memory is clear, I'll never forget that sight, ingrained in my mind forever.

Ah, stories from the past; memories that make our childhood live on. In this verse, Peter uses our experiences to tell spiritual truths. People in the church, who were once saved and living in the joy of the Lord, turned and went back to wallow in their sin once more. Why? How? Now worse off than they were. So sad. They knew the grace of God, now they spurned his love and forgiveness. Will they ever turn back to God...

A and K, you know God's love and forgiveness. Never turn back. Flee any sins of the past. Don't desire any part of the sinful world. Its pleasures never satisfy. They may gratify the flesh, your natural desires, but they will leave you empty in your soul and, more importantly, separated from God. Don't go back to the ways of the world. They think it's good, but you know it for what it is, vomit. Jesus said to partake of his body and his blood. Now he will fill you up, and you will be satisfied! You'll never want to go back.


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