Sunday, March 12, 2017

Genesis 14, Part 2: Hold No Grudge, vs. 13 - 17

Hold No Grudge

Genesis 14:14 When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he called out the 318 trained men born in his household and went in pursuit as far a Dan.

When Abram heard the news that Lot and his household was taken captive, he did not hesitate. He mustered his fighting men and plotted how he would attack the raiding king who had taken them. He routed them and pursued them until all the goods and people were recovered. Then, they returned back to the King's Valley near Sodom.

It is true that Abram gave Lot the task of choosing which land they would settle in. Lot chose the well watered valley and left the hill country for Abram and his household. It has been said many times that Abram got the short end of the stick, and that Lot was being selfish. Abram didn't take it that way. He chose to get along. He loved his nephew and garnished no grudge that would come between he and Lot. When Lot came under attack, he was free to have empathy and worked to free his nephew from certain destruction. He felt no hatred, nor did arbor any angst, instead Abram was supportive and was willing to die to save Lot from harm.

It is easy for us to look at our "lot" in life and blame someone else for its hardships. "If we were only born in this or that family, we have it so much easier". "If that lady was just a better teacher, I would excel in my life." "They made the test to hard, I could understand what they were asking for." "The person is so annoying, he doesn't deserve my help." "They cheated me, what makes them think I'll help them now?" It is hard to come to the aid of others, when we have so many reasons... or excuses why they don't deserve it. Abram went into battle for Lot because he loved his nephew despite being taken advantage of.

A and K, how do you respond when you are cheated? Are you willing to forgive and move on? Will you care for those that seem to be or even are against you. The wise writer of Proverbs 25 said that we are to supply for the needs of our enemies for God will reward you (vs 22). Jesus said we are to bless those that curse us (Lk. 6:28). Lot was in need and Abram held no grudge. He loved and cared about him and was willing to give his life to help. Jesus said that is rarely done and a sign of a greater love Jn. 15:13).

Daughters, you can rise above the world and choose to love. Hold no grudge, no matter how you have been cheated. God will reward your faithfulness.


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