Friday, March 24, 2017

Dorcas, A Great Name, Acts 9:36

Dorcas, A Great Name

Acts 9:36 In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (which when translated is Dorcas), who was always doing good and helping the poor.

A great name?... right. I never liked the name. It brings pictures in my mind of goofy, inept, backward people that seem to never get out of your face. That's what I thought growing up. I guess it was too close to the word dork. Who would want to be called Dorcas...

But it is a great name, when you know the story of Dorcas. It's not a long one, but her story needs to be known and copied. Peter was urged to come see her, even though she had died. She had become sick, died, and washed, readied for burial... yet they still sent for Peter. He came, prayed for her and she came back to life. Of course, everyone was thrilled! So, many had loved her, for she lived so many.

A and K, will people care if you die? There would be sad family members, but who else would care? Live your life like Dorcas and they will. As you go around through life, do not close your eyes to the needs of others. We are the body of Christ, made in his likeness (1 Cor. 12:27). We are to reach out and care for other like he did. Go around doing good and help those in need. I may never call you a Dorcas, but I'll be so grateful you chose to be one!


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