Monday, March 27, 2017

Stand in Awe, Habakkuk 3:2

Stand in Awe

Habakkuk 3:2 Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.

We, those of us who grew up in the church,  have heard and know of the great deeds of the Lord. We know the story of God's protection through the flood, his promise to Abram, the destruction of evil in Sodom, the accuracy given to kill a gaint, and so many more.  But, none surpass the forgiveness made possible through the death and resurrection of Christ. Certainly we serve an awesome God.

A and K, you do serve an awesome God. He had done many marvelous works, but, never think that they are all in the past. He will do great things for you even today! When evil is all around you, ask him to destroy it. When the water's of tasks and trials seem overwhelming and you are about to drown, know he can protect you from the storms of life.

Put your trust in him. As spiritual trials and temptations come, ask him to renew his work in you that you might continue to stand. For, our God is an awesome God, he gives strength and power to his people (Ps. 68:35). He will have mercy on you and raise you up and you will stand in awe!


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