Thursday, March 9, 2017

God Can, Job 42:2

God Can

Job 42:2 I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.

When Job, tired of his suffering, told God it wasn't fair he had to suffer and demanded an audience with him to find out why, God spoke! Job never received the answer he was looking for from God, except to hear that God is God and if God so chooses to do something, he will. After God chided Job, Job hung his head low and said... you can do all things and no one can get an upper hand on you.

We must remember in this accounting of Job's life that Satan had to get permission to strike Job. God had to allow it to happen and only to the extent that God would allow. God does not always make our lives easy. He works the good and evil around us to accomplish his purposes. This may lead to one believing that everything has already been determined, history has been written and we have no real choice, God decided for us before the beginning of time. Don't be lead astray. Although the Lord is supreme, he has given us a free will. Like Adam and Eve, we choose to be obedient or not. We choose whether we are going to trust God, believing his ways are better choices that our own natural desires. If we choose his ways, he has promised to sustain us. He will enable us to live holy lives. Satan cannot out maneuver God. God will make the way possible.

A and K, do you believe God can help you live for him? Can God provide a way for you to trust him and do his will in your life? Does he have the power to hold back the forces of evil? Is he able to make you clean and purify you from all unrighteousness (1 Jn. 1:9)? Will he carry out what he says he will do? Yes, yes, yes, & yes! Satan can never get the upper hand if you truly desire the Lord's way. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, for yes, God can and he will!


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