Saturday, March 11, 2017

You Can, Phiippians 4:13

You Can

Philippians 4:13, I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

In a follow up to my last post, we notice a different perspective from Paul than from Job. You may say that Paul's circumstances were different than Job's, for one, Paul never lost any children. That would be true. I am not trying to compare circumstances but the outcomes of their perspectives.

Job had trouble accepting God's sovereignty when he had done nothing wrong, particularity after his friends' concern for his righteousness... read Job's dialogs with his friends.  After their onslaught, he began to say his suffering was unfair, "With God as my judge, I have not sinned to deserve this," he said. He was right. He was suffering for a higher reason he could not understand, nor would God explain. His suffering was not for what he had done.

Paul, on the other hand, did suffer for what he had done. But, what was strange in most people's minds, is that he suffered for doing what God called him to do. He was caught in a dilemma, stop doing what God wanted and don't suffer, or do what God asked him to do and suffer from the hands of evil men. Paul chose to follow God. He stated... I have learned to be content in any circumstance, rich or poor, well fed or hungry. He learned the secret. Shhhhh... here's the secret: (He learned that he could be faithful to God through any situation, because God promised to strengthen him.)

K and A, have you learned to be content no matter the problems that arise. God will strengthen you to live for him. He will enable you to carry out any task he calls you to do. Sure you have a lot of work to do to become a caring nurse or to perfect your musical skills, but he will build you up in order for you to do so. Don't become weary in doing what he has called you to do, for in the end you will succeed, if you do not give up (Gal. 6:9). So, seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, for yes, you can and you will... because God can and he will, trust him!


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