Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Point of Doing Good, Matthew 25:31 - 46

The Point of Doing Good

Matthew 25:35 & 36 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

Why did the sheep in this accounting of the last days get to go to heaven? Was it because they unknowingly helped Jesus? Maybe it was because they did good deeds? Certainly, Jesus was pleased with them. Certainly, Jesus wantsn't pleased with the group that never lifted a finger for anyone who was hurting. They received their reward... eternal punishment!

I thought salvation was not based on doing works but on faith? Well, James says it takes both, not faith alone (James 2:24). But that's not the issue today. What Jesus shows us here is that the sheep are those who have the heart of Christ. They help others, not to get credits for getting into heaven, not to say, "I better help that person because if I do it is like helping Christ", although it is, no, they help others because they see a need, they see someone hurting, because they have compassion on them just like Jesus does.

K and A, when you were saved, you received the spirit of God to reside within you. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. If you open yourself to him, he will fill you and you will conform to the likeness of Christ (Ro 8:29). As you conform, you will live as Christ and do the things he would do. You become his hands and feet carrying out his will, for you are the body of Christ (1 Co. 12:27). So the reason you do good is because you are Godly. Like Jesus you will see their need and have compassion on them and will do good.

The point, then, of doing good, daughters, is to help those in need. You are being Vhrist to them. Your love for them, carried out in good deeds, is recognized by Christ, and he will grant you eternal life with him. Become like Christ and you will love others and care for the needs, and you shall receive the smile of God's approval.


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