Sunday, March 5, 2017

Genesis 14, Part 1: Living Among Evil, Genesis 14:1-12

Living Among Evil

Genesis 14:12 They also carried off Abram's nephew Lot and his possessions, since he was living in Sodom.

Abram and Lot had parted company to avoid conflicts between the families. Abram took the hills and Lot chose the rich, well watered plain. Dangers can arise as conflicts drive even the closest families apart. In this instance in time, raiding parties often arose and ravaged the towns and cities that appeared vulnerable. Sodom became a such a place and all who lived there were subject to the dangers. Since Lot lived in Sodom, he was captured during a battle and taken captive.

Many times the question is asked, "Why do good people suffer." Here is one answer to that difficult question; good people suffer many times as a result of living among evil. Jesus prayed to his father not to take good people out of this world, but to protect them while in it (Jn. 17:16). We can be assured that troubles will arise out of no fault of our own (Jn. 16:33). Where evil reigns, troubles surmount and tragedies affect all in its path. But, God protects his own and will sustain those who put their trust in him.

A and K, you live among evil. Yet you cannot hide yourself away. You are called to live out your faith among those in the world around you. Even though you live faithfully, troubles will come your way. You will suffer along with those who are evil around you. Lot, a righteous man (2 Pet. 2:7), was taken captive and had to be rescued despite his faithfulness. Ladies, it is right to question your faithfulness and devotion to the Lord when bad things happen to you, a good person and check to see if you are still in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5), yet troubles will come for the most pious among us. When they do come, take heart for Jesus has made it possible to overcome them!


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