Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Observe The Sabbath, Deuteronomy 5:12

Ibserve The Sabbath

Deuteronomy 5:12 Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you.

This a commandment with which most do not agree, nor do they follow. I think most American Christians only believe in nine commandments, but to them the fourth one is not applicable for today. Some believe Jesus did away with it in the NT. Others believe everyday is to be holy unto the Lord, so the Sabbath is like another day. There is thought that you can make any day a Sabbath, not just a specific day that everyone follows. It is rare to find someone who lives it out.

To keep something holy, is to keep it separated from the sinful ways of the world and dedicated to God. That concept is good for every day but the Sabbath day is not just to be holy, it is to be a sabbath. A sabbath is a resting time, a time of no work, a period of time in which we cut out our efforts to advance our plans and agendas and only do things that have to be done. I believe Jesus clarified that with the Pharisees.

K and A, the sabbath principle was established at creation. The Lord reiterated it with the people of Israel on Mount Sinai. Jesus helped clarify some points with the Pharisees. Jesus said he is Lord of the Sabbath, but I believe many are acting today as if they are. I doubt that I have it all understood exactly as God designed it. I know it is hard to keep this commandment when the church chooses to ignore it. I challenge you to read Genesis and NT passages, and then choose to honor the day as God designed it; a day of no work. I believe it will deepen your walk with him!


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