Wednesday, October 23, 2019

He Will Deliver You, Micah 5:5-9

He Will Deliver You
Micah 5:6b He will deliver you from the Assyrian when he invades our land and marches into our borders.

The are many scriptures which talk about the deliverance power of our God. God delivered Noah and his family from the flood, Lot from Sodom, Jacob from Esau, Joseph from his brothers and from prison, the Israelites from bondage, Jonah from the whale, Peter from sinking, the woman from bleeding, lepers from disgrace, and Paul and Silas from prison.... and many, many more.

God has promised to protect his people. This was a promise to the people of Israel, and it is true for us as Christians. God told the people of Israel, I will take you as my people and I will be your God. Moses said, The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still. Paul told the Thessalonians, the Lord will protect you from the evil one. And, of course, the often used ones; nothing can snatch you out of his hand, and nothing can separates us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus!

K and A, God is there for you to in the good times, but he is also there for you to lean on in the bad times as well. In fact that is of most importance. He is a true friend, who will not leave you when hardships and troubles come your way. He will stick close by and deliver you out of them! He not only has the love and faithfulness of a friend, but he experienced our weaknesses and temptations and is able to sympathize, even empathize with you. But even better, he has the power to deliver you from those troubles! So daughters, call on him in your times of trouble and he will set you free.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Peace Proclaimed, Micah 5:5a

Peace Proclaimed

Micah 5:5a And he will be their peace.

I do not pretend to be a prophesy scholar not that spiritually wise to understand it all, especially without any study. This is just written with the limited knowledge I have.

This is typical prophetic writing. It appears to me to have many fulfillments. Certainly we can see Jesus in this passage. It also appears to talk about the return of Israel to the promised land, possibly before Christ, and I would think after as well. And usually prophesies have an end time ring to them as well.

The point I want to bring out of this passage is what comes when God's plan come to fruition, that is peace. Now, one must remember that in order for peace to manifest, there is usually a time of hardship and trial. Also, peace is for those on the side of the peacemaker. Yeah, we don't like that thought, but throughout the Bible we see clearly see both sides. David brought much peace to Israel, but much destruction on the Philistines. Thought the book of Judges, God raised up many who brought peace to Israel, but always at a cost, often to both sides. Jesus brought peace, yet even he had to suffer for it to come to us. And ultimately, when Christ returns, he will come to bring final lasting peace, yet he will come riding on a white horse, a sign of victory, waging war. One side loses the other wins.

What am I trying to say, K and A? First, you must be on the side of Jesus who is victorious in the final battle when he returns to defeat Satan and his minions. There, ultimate peace will be yours throughout eternity. Second, peace is possible now! An underlying calm and satisfaction, believing the promise that God has given us through Jesus... You are on the winning team. Jesus is our savior and his act of love and sacrifice brings us back into the right relationship with God which allows us on his team... the right to become children of God. And, just like most prophesies,there is more. Third, there are many battles you will have in life to overcome in order for peace to reign in your heart and mind. You will need to fight them dressed in the full armor of God. If you do, you will find victory over sin and trials, and then you will find peace in that area of life. Today, I proclaim peace for you, for as a believer, Christ is your peace!


Monday, October 21, 2019

But You, Though Small, Micah 5:2

But You, Though Small

Micah 5:2 But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of yo will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from old, from ancient times.

How the people of Israel and the wise men who visited had a clue that this referred to Jesus is amazing to me. Apparently, they were much wiser than I, maybe you too. As with many of the prophesies, knowing what they mean at the time they were delivered can be difficult. Also, prophesies often have multiple fulfillments. They are not only for Israel but relate to Christ and the church. Sometimes, we use them to teach other lessons as well.

Though you are small... Small, here, can refer not only to size of the clan but its importance. Often in our lives, we do not feel very important. This is true for most people, even arrogant ones at times. We must remember that to God, we are important. We see this not only here in reference to Bethlehem, a small town in the small tribe of Judah, but we see it often throughout the Scriptures... Rahab, Gideon, Hanna, Ruth, and many more. God cares for everyone great and small.

K and A, God wants to use you in his kingdom. You are not a nobody. Certainly you have inadequacies, but God has a place for you. Now, I am not one that thinks that God has this perfect plan for you, well at least not for me. I have already messed that up if he did... What I am trying to say is that God is willing to use you in his kingdom work despite your past, despite your present, despite your current abilities, despite your lack of intelligence or courage to use what you know you have. God reaches out and cares for his children. He will develop you even when you do not know he is. He is preparing you for service for him. Now, it is true that you can slow or alter what he desires, but when you are a willing vessel, he will cause you to do great things. Out of you will come blessing that will be for all people... that he brings across your path and beyond. You, though small now, must be open and willing to serve your Lord, then he will use you to reach others for him.


Monday, October 14, 2019

God Wants You Back, Micah 4:6-13

God Wants You Back

Micah 4:6 In that day, declares the Lord, I will gather the lame; I will assemble the exiles and those I have brought to grief.

The people of Judah were soon to be destroyed. Their sin against the Lord had become too great and judgement was coming. Much destruction awaited them. Suffering, heartache, and regret would be their lot. God had Micah forewarn them of the coming destruction yet in the midst of bad news was a sign of hope... God would not destroy all of them. He would gather those left and bring them back. Those captured and taken away, weak as they would be, would one day return!

Often, we can correlate what happened to the nation of Israel and Judah with the Christian walk. Yet, difficulties arise since one refers to a nation and the other to a person. Most of the people taken into captivity never returned to Jerusalem, but I still think we can find a correlation here. Despite being God's people, God will punish the sin that may come into our life as Christians. Like Judah, we will suffer for sinning against God and heartache and regret will set in. But, we must remember that God is using these hardships to bring us back to him, not just to punish the sin. He desires us to return to him, and when we do, he will raise us up that we may once again live with him!

K and A, God is slow to anger and abounding in love but he will not just look the other way if you sin. Yet in the midst of his anger, he still reaches out to draw you back to himself. Both he and I never want you to sin, but if you do Jesus is there as your advocate, the Spirit is there as your comforter, working on your behalf, calling you to return. The Father is willing to forgive, just reach out to him, he wants you back.


Friday, October 11, 2019

In That Day, Micah 4:6a

In That Day

Micah 4:6a In that day, declares the Lord,

In That Day... K and A, the Lord is not sitting idly by. He isn't just waiting for your life to run its course. No, he is actively involved in directing the lives of those who love and live for him. This is you! Be obedient to his calling and you will find that there are a lot of In That Days along your path of life. In that day you were born. In that day you desired the Lord. In that day you found salvation. In that day you graduated, went to college, got married, had many children, led someone to Christ, stood up against wrong, defeated a plaguing sin, got sanctified... and so much more until the great day when you meet your Savior -Jesus the Christ! Well done good and faithful servant, that's what you will hear In That Day!


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Come On Along, Micah 4:1-5

Come On Along

Micah 4:2b Come, let us go to the mountain of the lord, to the house of the God of Jacob.

While I was growing up, I remember Grandpa teach us a song in VBS. It was to the tune of John Jacob Jingle Heimerschidt sp. It went something like this (go ahead sing the words)... Come on along to Bible school, That's where I want to be, Whenever we go out, to the people we always shout, Come on along to Bible school. da da da da da da da da and repeat... It got those children all roused up!

What's the point of the song... VBS is where it's at. There you will find the teachings of the Lord for walking the paths of life (vs 2c). There you will find peace and contentment. You will learn how to get along and how to rest in the arms of God. There you will learn to trust the Lord and will desire to always be in step with God and his ways. You will want to be with him for ever and ever. (vs 3-5). This is true for SS, Church service, Revivals etc...

K and A, I hope you learned those things in Bible school. And I hope you are teaching those things in VBS and in Sunday School. It is a good thing to go to the house of the Lord. God first, His Church second! You may say, but I thought family was second... not true, daughters! You and your family need to put God first and His Church second... together. Family must not be separate from them. When you combine family and the things of God, you will find that same peace and contentment in your family. So, grab your family and others and sing...   come on along!


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Too Late, Micah 3:1-12

Too Late

Micah 3:4 Then they will cry out to the Lord, but he will not answer them. At that time he will hide his face from them because of the evil they have done.

What a sad verse. God reached out time and time again to the people of Israel and Judah for the wrong they had done, but they would not repent. He sent them prophets, but many of them became corrupt as well. They would proclaim "the word of the lord"... if you gave them the right amount of money. They would proclaim good news and prosperity, for a price!

But now Judah's time to repent was past. Micah spoke the truth. He spoke the true Word of God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he gave them the bad news. God had enough! Their time of destruction was coming. It was too late now!

K and A, Repent for the day is at hand, for today is the day of Salvation! If you choose not to listen, you may miss out on the opportunity to repent (there is a verse for this that I can't find at the moment) But, if you do repent, God will bring times of refreshment, and you will again be filled with joy!

Daughters, if you are caught in a sin and know it, do not wait for someone to come and help you be restored. Run to God, he will purify you and put his Spirit in you to comfort and lift you, restoring you as his child!


Monday, October 7, 2019

Deliverance For Those Who Remain, Micah 2:8-13

Deliverance For Those Who Remain

Micah 2:12a I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob

There is a common teaching in religions called universalism, which basically teaches that since God is a loving God, in the end all people will be saved. The is also a common teaching in Christianity called eternal security, which teaches that in the end all those who have once been saved will spend eternity with God. Both of these are false!

Biblical truths abound against these teachings, but it is easy to see how people who desire to live their own way get deluded into thinking all will be fine in the end. Take a look at Paul's writing to Timothy; if we are faithless, he remains faithful, and today's verse; he will gather all of you. Yet we must not forget to check out the context of these verses. Timothy was told that Christ is faithful to those who endure. In Micah, God said that he would gather the remnant - those who remain.

But, I do not want you to lose track of the promise of these verses here in Micah: God will not abandon Israel, nor will God abandon his church. Even if we must suffer - and Judah certainly did, even if we must go through trials and hardships, we can count on God to carry his people through into eternity. But some will say, well I know a wonderful Christian who suffered cancer and died, or what about all the martyrs? Listen to what was written about these people in Hebrews... the world was not worthy of them. Some people go through harrowing times, yet God takes them safely into heaven.

K and A, remember that eternity is forever. Your life today is temporary. Those people spoken of in Hebrew, some of them we sawed in two... gruesome. Today, more than ever, people are dying for their faith. Yet, God is faithful and will deliver them into his arms and carry them into eternity. Daughters, remain faithful to the end, and he will deliver you as well.


Friday, October 4, 2019

Itchy ears, Micah 2:6-11

Itchy Ears

Micah 2:11  If a liar and deceiver comes and says, 'I will prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer,' he would be just the prophet for this people.

God's word's are sweet to the taste, sweeter than honey from the honeycomb! They are life itself for those whose trust is in him. But to the wicked, they bring heartache and pain. The people of Judah pleaded with the prophets not to prophesy bad news. They said, God is not like that. He will not bring about the demise of his people. He is a loving and kind God. He will not bring us disgrace. They wanted the prophets to prophesy only what their itching ears wanted to hear. They could not handle the truth, and when the prophet would proclaim the true word of God, they would kill them.

When people want to find an excuse for a sin, a habit or a questionable way of living, they just look it up in the Bible, they find it. When Messiah College wanted to permit dancing, Grantham church did a search, a study in  the Word, and eureka, they found it! What they couldn't locate for centuries just popped out of the Scriptures all noble and good. So today, they dance and party and feel good about themselves.

K and A, never search the Scriptures for permission to do something you already know is wrong or questionable. As we see in today's passage, this has been a problem for thousands of years. Certainly God would want to deprive us of something so good? This is a lie Satan has been pushing since the Garden of Eden. You will find preachers proclaiming the benefits of becoming like the world to win the world, but I have seen the destruction of the church from this practice in my lifetime. So sad.

The church has followed the path of Judah. As Paul warned Timothy, people will put away sound doctrine and go listen to teacher that will preach what they want to hear. choosing a church to attend can be daunting task. Pray for and desire one that preaches sound doctrine, not just want you want to hear no matter how loving the people are or what programs they may have for you. The truth does not center around how good it makes you feel! Desire the true word of God, they will do you good even when hard to swallow.


Problems in or coming to the church today as I see it: (not all inclusive)
  • Secular Music
  • Secular christian Music
  • Dancing
  • Alcohol
  • Fornication
  • Divorce/ Divorce & Remarriage
  • Homosexuality
  • Gender Idenity
  • Marijuana
  • Swearing/Course Talk
  • Lying/ Fudging Truth
  • Lack of Forgiveness/Grudges
  • Discipline
  • Sacrilege - Not Treating Holy Things Holy
  • Lack of Holiness

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A Blessing To Others, Micah 2:1-5

A Blessing To Others

Micah 2:1 Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds. At morning's light they carry it out because it is in their power to do so.

I see a couple things here... There are people who go around plotting evil. They steal, terrorize and kill for fun or power. We see this happening in gangs throughout America's cities and around the world. Those of us who do not live in those areas cannot imagine the horror of it. There is also a class of people who plot evil who are in positions of power. Their concern is themselves, and they care not about the people they represent. These could be bosses, church leaders, and local and national political leaders. In both of these situations, we often are powerless to do anything about it. Many times, though, we look the other way and have no concern, because the problem doesn't effect us. Yet, when it is in our power to stop them, we must stand up against them, or we become part of the problem.

Just as important, we need to be careful in our own lives, for we too need to avoid the trap of self-empowerment through the demise of others. We cannot lie down and think of how to better ourselves by stepping on others along the way. Children do this among siblings, bullies in school, and we see it happen in the work place. These attitudes and evils can be found in all aspects of life in small yet powerful ways.

K and A, if you see those who are plotting the demise of others, do not go along with them. God will certainly destroy you along with them. Instead, lift those whom you meet. A boss, a co-worker, a stranger along the way, you are to be Christ to everyone. Live as a blessing to others!


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Mourn Over Sin 1, Micah 1:8-18

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 09:13 AM PDT This was originally posted but lost in Blogger. Only a draft was saved so I rewrote it and finished it differently. Later I found this version in my emails...

Mourn Over Sin 1

Micah 1:8 Because of this I will weep and wail; I will go about barefoot and naked, I will howl like a jackal and moan like an owl.

The people of Judah had committed the sins of Israel. They gave themselves over to other gods, to idols who have no power. God would certainly destroy them, for their sin was too great! God, despite his slowness to anger, despite his great love, the people of Judah would be destroyed and taken into captivity! 

In these verses, God himself is crying, and he wails for his people. They seem oblivious to the fact that their sin is destroying them, so they continue on their merry way. Sin has blinded them! So, God delivers the bad news; you will be destroyed just like Israel. Your sins are many and death, destruction, and captivity are at hand!

K and A, make sure you understand that God hates sin. His love for you will bring will not stop the penalty of sin. Certainly, he has prepared a way for redemption, but you must be willing to take the way of Christ; submission and obedience. Take a look at your life... if there is sin, you moan and wail, understanding that God is not happy with you. Repent and do right to keep him from crying about you and the destruction he must bring in your life. Live in such a way that pleases the Lord!


Mourn Over Sin 2, Micah 1:8-18

Mourn Over Sin 2 See note on previous post Mourn Over Sin 1)

Micah 1:8 Because of this I will weep and wail; I will go about barefoot and naked, I will howl like a jackal and moan like an owl.

The people of Judah had committed the sins of Israel, they had given themselves over to other gods, to idols who have no power. God would certainly destroy them, for their sin was too great! God, despite his slowness to anger, despite his love, many of the people of Judah would be destroyed and some taken into captivity! 

In these verses, God himself is crying, and he wails for his people, the ones he loves. He cries for they do not see their sin and repent. He cries for he knows their end. He cries for he knows what he must do. O, how much better it would be if they saw their sin and cried and wailed for what they had done. how much better it would be for they would find forgiveness and restoration, but soon they will be awakened to fear and terror and it will be too late.

K and A, do not take sinning lightly. The ultimate destination for sinners is everlasting torment in the Lake of Fire. Do not be foolish like so many in the church today and believe that since you once took Jesus as your savior you can go on sinning. Mourn over any sin you may be caught in, seek to be holy and pure by living in the power of the Spirit of God, so you may live above sin and find everlasting life!
