Thursday, October 10, 2019

Come On Along, Micah 4:1-5

Come On Along

Micah 4:2b Come, let us go to the mountain of the lord, to the house of the God of Jacob.

While I was growing up, I remember Grandpa teach us a song in VBS. It was to the tune of John Jacob Jingle Heimerschidt sp. It went something like this (go ahead sing the words)... Come on along to Bible school, That's where I want to be, Whenever we go out, to the people we always shout, Come on along to Bible school. da da da da da da da da and repeat... It got those children all roused up!

What's the point of the song... VBS is where it's at. There you will find the teachings of the Lord for walking the paths of life (vs 2c). There you will find peace and contentment. You will learn how to get along and how to rest in the arms of God. There you will learn to trust the Lord and will desire to always be in step with God and his ways. You will want to be with him for ever and ever. (vs 3-5). This is true for SS, Church service, Revivals etc...

K and A, I hope you learned those things in Bible school. And I hope you are teaching those things in VBS and in Sunday School. It is a good thing to go to the house of the Lord. God first, His Church second! You may say, but I thought family was second... not true, daughters! You and your family need to put God first and His Church second... together. Family must not be separate from them. When you combine family and the things of God, you will find that same peace and contentment in your family. So, grab your family and others and sing...   come on along!


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