Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Too Late, Micah 3:1-12

Too Late

Micah 3:4 Then they will cry out to the Lord, but he will not answer them. At that time he will hide his face from them because of the evil they have done.

What a sad verse. God reached out time and time again to the people of Israel and Judah for the wrong they had done, but they would not repent. He sent them prophets, but many of them became corrupt as well. They would proclaim "the word of the lord"... if you gave them the right amount of money. They would proclaim good news and prosperity, for a price!

But now Judah's time to repent was past. Micah spoke the truth. He spoke the true Word of God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he gave them the bad news. God had enough! Their time of destruction was coming. It was too late now!

K and A, Repent for the day is at hand, for today is the day of Salvation! If you choose not to listen, you may miss out on the opportunity to repent (there is a verse for this that I can't find at the moment) But, if you do repent, God will bring times of refreshment, and you will again be filled with joy!

Daughters, if you are caught in a sin and know it, do not wait for someone to come and help you be restored. Run to God, he will purify you and put his Spirit in you to comfort and lift you, restoring you as his child!


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