Monday, October 21, 2019

But You, Though Small, Micah 5:2

But You, Though Small

Micah 5:2 But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of yo will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from old, from ancient times.

How the people of Israel and the wise men who visited had a clue that this referred to Jesus is amazing to me. Apparently, they were much wiser than I, maybe you too. As with many of the prophesies, knowing what they mean at the time they were delivered can be difficult. Also, prophesies often have multiple fulfillments. They are not only for Israel but relate to Christ and the church. Sometimes, we use them to teach other lessons as well.

Though you are small... Small, here, can refer not only to size of the clan but its importance. Often in our lives, we do not feel very important. This is true for most people, even arrogant ones at times. We must remember that to God, we are important. We see this not only here in reference to Bethlehem, a small town in the small tribe of Judah, but we see it often throughout the Scriptures... Rahab, Gideon, Hanna, Ruth, and many more. God cares for everyone great and small.

K and A, God wants to use you in his kingdom. You are not a nobody. Certainly you have inadequacies, but God has a place for you. Now, I am not one that thinks that God has this perfect plan for you, well at least not for me. I have already messed that up if he did... What I am trying to say is that God is willing to use you in his kingdom work despite your past, despite your present, despite your current abilities, despite your lack of intelligence or courage to use what you know you have. God reaches out and cares for his children. He will develop you even when you do not know he is. He is preparing you for service for him. Now, it is true that you can slow or alter what he desires, but when you are a willing vessel, he will cause you to do great things. Out of you will come blessing that will be for all people... that he brings across your path and beyond. You, though small now, must be open and willing to serve your Lord, then he will use you to reach others for him.


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