Friday, October 11, 2019

In That Day, Micah 4:6a

In That Day

Micah 4:6a In that day, declares the Lord,

In That Day... K and A, the Lord is not sitting idly by. He isn't just waiting for your life to run its course. No, he is actively involved in directing the lives of those who love and live for him. This is you! Be obedient to his calling and you will find that there are a lot of In That Days along your path of life. In that day you were born. In that day you desired the Lord. In that day you found salvation. In that day you graduated, went to college, got married, had many children, led someone to Christ, stood up against wrong, defeated a plaguing sin, got sanctified... and so much more until the great day when you meet your Savior -Jesus the Christ! Well done good and faithful servant, that's what you will hear In That Day!


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