Monday, October 14, 2019

God Wants You Back, Micah 4:6-13

God Wants You Back

Micah 4:6 In that day, declares the Lord, I will gather the lame; I will assemble the exiles and those I have brought to grief.

The people of Judah were soon to be destroyed. Their sin against the Lord had become too great and judgement was coming. Much destruction awaited them. Suffering, heartache, and regret would be their lot. God had Micah forewarn them of the coming destruction yet in the midst of bad news was a sign of hope... God would not destroy all of them. He would gather those left and bring them back. Those captured and taken away, weak as they would be, would one day return!

Often, we can correlate what happened to the nation of Israel and Judah with the Christian walk. Yet, difficulties arise since one refers to a nation and the other to a person. Most of the people taken into captivity never returned to Jerusalem, but I still think we can find a correlation here. Despite being God's people, God will punish the sin that may come into our life as Christians. Like Judah, we will suffer for sinning against God and heartache and regret will set in. But, we must remember that God is using these hardships to bring us back to him, not just to punish the sin. He desires us to return to him, and when we do, he will raise us up that we may once again live with him!

K and A, God is slow to anger and abounding in love but he will not just look the other way if you sin. Yet in the midst of his anger, he still reaches out to draw you back to himself. Both he and I never want you to sin, but if you do Jesus is there as your advocate, the Spirit is there as your comforter, working on your behalf, calling you to return. The Father is willing to forgive, just reach out to him, he wants you back.


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