Friday, October 4, 2019

Itchy ears, Micah 2:6-11

Itchy Ears

Micah 2:11  If a liar and deceiver comes and says, 'I will prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer,' he would be just the prophet for this people.

God's word's are sweet to the taste, sweeter than honey from the honeycomb! They are life itself for those whose trust is in him. But to the wicked, they bring heartache and pain. The people of Judah pleaded with the prophets not to prophesy bad news. They said, God is not like that. He will not bring about the demise of his people. He is a loving and kind God. He will not bring us disgrace. They wanted the prophets to prophesy only what their itching ears wanted to hear. They could not handle the truth, and when the prophet would proclaim the true word of God, they would kill them.

When people want to find an excuse for a sin, a habit or a questionable way of living, they just look it up in the Bible, they find it. When Messiah College wanted to permit dancing, Grantham church did a search, a study in  the Word, and eureka, they found it! What they couldn't locate for centuries just popped out of the Scriptures all noble and good. So today, they dance and party and feel good about themselves.

K and A, never search the Scriptures for permission to do something you already know is wrong or questionable. As we see in today's passage, this has been a problem for thousands of years. Certainly God would want to deprive us of something so good? This is a lie Satan has been pushing since the Garden of Eden. You will find preachers proclaiming the benefits of becoming like the world to win the world, but I have seen the destruction of the church from this practice in my lifetime. So sad.

The church has followed the path of Judah. As Paul warned Timothy, people will put away sound doctrine and go listen to teacher that will preach what they want to hear. choosing a church to attend can be daunting task. Pray for and desire one that preaches sound doctrine, not just want you want to hear no matter how loving the people are or what programs they may have for you. The truth does not center around how good it makes you feel! Desire the true word of God, they will do you good even when hard to swallow.


Problems in or coming to the church today as I see it: (not all inclusive)
  • Secular Music
  • Secular christian Music
  • Dancing
  • Alcohol
  • Fornication
  • Divorce/ Divorce & Remarriage
  • Homosexuality
  • Gender Idenity
  • Marijuana
  • Swearing/Course Talk
  • Lying/ Fudging Truth
  • Lack of Forgiveness/Grudges
  • Discipline
  • Sacrilege - Not Treating Holy Things Holy
  • Lack of Holiness

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