Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Peace Proclaimed, Micah 5:5a

Peace Proclaimed

Micah 5:5a And he will be their peace.

I do not pretend to be a prophesy scholar not that spiritually wise to understand it all, especially without any study. This is just written with the limited knowledge I have.

This is typical prophetic writing. It appears to me to have many fulfillments. Certainly we can see Jesus in this passage. It also appears to talk about the return of Israel to the promised land, possibly before Christ, and I would think after as well. And usually prophesies have an end time ring to them as well.

The point I want to bring out of this passage is what comes when God's plan come to fruition, that is peace. Now, one must remember that in order for peace to manifest, there is usually a time of hardship and trial. Also, peace is for those on the side of the peacemaker. Yeah, we don't like that thought, but throughout the Bible we see clearly see both sides. David brought much peace to Israel, but much destruction on the Philistines. Thought the book of Judges, God raised up many who brought peace to Israel, but always at a cost, often to both sides. Jesus brought peace, yet even he had to suffer for it to come to us. And ultimately, when Christ returns, he will come to bring final lasting peace, yet he will come riding on a white horse, a sign of victory, waging war. One side loses the other wins.

What am I trying to say, K and A? First, you must be on the side of Jesus who is victorious in the final battle when he returns to defeat Satan and his minions. There, ultimate peace will be yours throughout eternity. Second, peace is possible now! An underlying calm and satisfaction, believing the promise that God has given us through Jesus... You are on the winning team. Jesus is our savior and his act of love and sacrifice brings us back into the right relationship with God which allows us on his team... the right to become children of God. And, just like most prophesies,there is more. Third, there are many battles you will have in life to overcome in order for peace to reign in your heart and mind. You will need to fight them dressed in the full armor of God. If you do, you will find victory over sin and trials, and then you will find peace in that area of life. Today, I proclaim peace for you, for as a believer, Christ is your peace!


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