Monday, October 7, 2019

Deliverance For Those Who Remain, Micah 2:8-13

Deliverance For Those Who Remain

Micah 2:12a I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob

There is a common teaching in religions called universalism, which basically teaches that since God is a loving God, in the end all people will be saved. The is also a common teaching in Christianity called eternal security, which teaches that in the end all those who have once been saved will spend eternity with God. Both of these are false!

Biblical truths abound against these teachings, but it is easy to see how people who desire to live their own way get deluded into thinking all will be fine in the end. Take a look at Paul's writing to Timothy; if we are faithless, he remains faithful, and today's verse; he will gather all of you. Yet we must not forget to check out the context of these verses. Timothy was told that Christ is faithful to those who endure. In Micah, God said that he would gather the remnant - those who remain.

But, I do not want you to lose track of the promise of these verses here in Micah: God will not abandon Israel, nor will God abandon his church. Even if we must suffer - and Judah certainly did, even if we must go through trials and hardships, we can count on God to carry his people through into eternity. But some will say, well I know a wonderful Christian who suffered cancer and died, or what about all the martyrs? Listen to what was written about these people in Hebrews... the world was not worthy of them. Some people go through harrowing times, yet God takes them safely into heaven.

K and A, remember that eternity is forever. Your life today is temporary. Those people spoken of in Hebrew, some of them we sawed in two... gruesome. Today, more than ever, people are dying for their faith. Yet, God is faithful and will deliver them into his arms and carry them into eternity. Daughters, remain faithful to the end, and he will deliver you as well.


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