Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Mourn Over Sin 2, Micah 1:8-18

Mourn Over Sin 2 See note on previous post Mourn Over Sin 1)

Micah 1:8 Because of this I will weep and wail; I will go about barefoot and naked, I will howl like a jackal and moan like an owl.

The people of Judah had committed the sins of Israel, they had given themselves over to other gods, to idols who have no power. God would certainly destroy them, for their sin was too great! God, despite his slowness to anger, despite his love, many of the people of Judah would be destroyed and some taken into captivity! 

In these verses, God himself is crying, and he wails for his people, the ones he loves. He cries for they do not see their sin and repent. He cries for he knows their end. He cries for he knows what he must do. O, how much better it would be if they saw their sin and cried and wailed for what they had done. how much better it would be for they would find forgiveness and restoration, but soon they will be awakened to fear and terror and it will be too late.

K and A, do not take sinning lightly. The ultimate destination for sinners is everlasting torment in the Lake of Fire. Do not be foolish like so many in the church today and believe that since you once took Jesus as your savior you can go on sinning. Mourn over any sin you may be caught in, seek to be holy and pure by living in the power of the Spirit of God, so you may live above sin and find everlasting life!


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