Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A Blessing To Others, Micah 2:1-5

A Blessing To Others

Micah 2:1 Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds. At morning's light they carry it out because it is in their power to do so.

I see a couple things here... There are people who go around plotting evil. They steal, terrorize and kill for fun or power. We see this happening in gangs throughout America's cities and around the world. Those of us who do not live in those areas cannot imagine the horror of it. There is also a class of people who plot evil who are in positions of power. Their concern is themselves, and they care not about the people they represent. These could be bosses, church leaders, and local and national political leaders. In both of these situations, we often are powerless to do anything about it. Many times, though, we look the other way and have no concern, because the problem doesn't effect us. Yet, when it is in our power to stop them, we must stand up against them, or we become part of the problem.

Just as important, we need to be careful in our own lives, for we too need to avoid the trap of self-empowerment through the demise of others. We cannot lie down and think of how to better ourselves by stepping on others along the way. Children do this among siblings, bullies in school, and we see it happen in the work place. These attitudes and evils can be found in all aspects of life in small yet powerful ways.

K and A, if you see those who are plotting the demise of others, do not go along with them. God will certainly destroy you along with them. Instead, lift those whom you meet. A boss, a co-worker, a stranger along the way, you are to be Christ to everyone. Live as a blessing to others!


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