Wednesday, October 23, 2019

He Will Deliver You, Micah 5:5-9

He Will Deliver You
Micah 5:6b He will deliver you from the Assyrian when he invades our land and marches into our borders.

The are many scriptures which talk about the deliverance power of our God. God delivered Noah and his family from the flood, Lot from Sodom, Jacob from Esau, Joseph from his brothers and from prison, the Israelites from bondage, Jonah from the whale, Peter from sinking, the woman from bleeding, lepers from disgrace, and Paul and Silas from prison.... and many, many more.

God has promised to protect his people. This was a promise to the people of Israel, and it is true for us as Christians. God told the people of Israel, I will take you as my people and I will be your God. Moses said, The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still. Paul told the Thessalonians, the Lord will protect you from the evil one. And, of course, the often used ones; nothing can snatch you out of his hand, and nothing can separates us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus!

K and A, God is there for you to in the good times, but he is also there for you to lean on in the bad times as well. In fact that is of most importance. He is a true friend, who will not leave you when hardships and troubles come your way. He will stick close by and deliver you out of them! He not only has the love and faithfulness of a friend, but he experienced our weaknesses and temptations and is able to sympathize, even empathize with you. But even better, he has the power to deliver you from those troubles! So daughters, call on him in your times of trouble and he will set you free.


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