Sunday, April 2, 2017

Genesis 14, Part 3: Blessed Be God, Verses 18 Thru 20

Blessed Be God

Genesis 14:20 "...And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand." Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

What is it like to bless someone, for the one blessed and for the "blessor" themselves? Certainly the one blessed is full of gratitude. They sense the honor given them and are thankful to the one who blessed them. They have just been given a gift and desire to return the favor, but how? And the "blessor", They have just rewarded someone, maybe for something they had done or just because they existed. Either way, there is satisfaction in knowing they made a difference in the person's life. They sense it, they can tell they have made their day.

Abram had found success in his mission for rescuing Lot from his captors. At a banquet honoring Abram, the Priest stand and gives tribute to Abram stating how God Most High, the Creator of heaven and earth, delivered the enemy into Abram's hands. Abram recognizes God's faithful and strong hand and acknowledges God by returning some to him, a tenth of all he had.

So, who was the "blessor" and who was the "blesse" in this scripture? I believe both were. It became reciprocal. God honored Abram for what he was willing to do. He lived out God's character and gave him success in his undertakings. Abram recognized it wasn't his great abilities that made his mission a success, rather it was the hand of God at work. He was touched in his spirit and wanted to give back to him, something to says thanks... so he gave him a tenth of everything (believed to be a tenth of the spoils of battle). It is not stated, but I am sure God smiled, and he too was blessed by this act of gratitude.

K and A, this practice of tithing started by Abram continues today. In fact, Jesus told the Pharisees that they should not neglect tithing (Matt 23:23 & Lk. 11:42). It should be easy for you to see from the story of Melchizedek why God loves tithing. Tithing is a recognition of who owns it all and who it is that gives you success. It is an acknowledgement that as talented as you are, and though you plan and work hard for what you get, if not for God Most High, you would fail. When you see this true, you too will be filled with gratitude and return to him 10% of everything earned, your tithe. In fact when you are truly grateful, you will desire to give more. Know that God will see and bless you even more. Like Luke says in 6:38 of his first book... Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. You will be both the blesse and the blessor.  Blessed be God!


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