Thursday, September 26, 2019

Replacing God, Micah 1:1-7

Replacing God

Micah 1:5 All this is because of Jacob's transgression, because of the sons of the house of Israel. What is Jacob's transgression? Is it not Samaria? What is Judah's hig place? Is it not Jerusalem?

Verse 5 show the main sin that the two kingdoms of Israel had perpetrated. They replaced the one true God with a god made out of the figment of their imagination. The created idols to bow down and devote their lives to. They created a sacrificial system to help "cleanse" their consciences. They worship false gods to plead for protection and to provide the necessities of life. They traded the hope and contentment for sadness and despair. Their lives were empty and they didn't realize why. The Israelites and Jews had broken the first 2 commandments of the Lord: Do not have any other god's before me and Do not make for yourselves idols and bow down to them... They had broken the covenant they had made with the Lord!

K and A, you cannot not replace the Lord with a god of your choosing and expect God not to be hurt. At some point, like Israel and Judah, he will judge your for it, and you will know that he truly is the only God. The Israelites were God's people, his children. He loved and protected them, yet they forsook him and his ways, his commandments. Be careful. You too, are God's children. He loves you and desires to care for you, but if you forsake his ways and choose your own way, he will surely judge you. Remember, what you read in the OT is a lesson to guide you in following the Lord. Jesus is your Savior today, but in the future, he will be your judge! Live in such a way that pleases the Father and you will be confident on that Day.


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