Sunday, April 30, 2017

Genesis 15:1a, For you to See

For You to See

Genesis 15:1a After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision...

Abram had just gotten back from rescuing Lot and others who had been captured during the battle in the Valley of Siddim. Upon getting back, he honored God by tithing one tenth of all the spoils, not including the property of those from Sodom and others who had been captured. After this... God came and spoke to Abram in a vision and gave him a promise.

This lesson is not about the promise, it is about the God, who at just the right time comes and speaks to us. Through the act of tithing we know that Abram recognized God's arm of strength and provision. Yet, he also knew that the kings he had defeated would most likely regroup, and there would be no peace. God came to him at just the right time and made a promise. He wanted Abram to know that he was there for him, so he came to him in a vision.

God wants us to see him, to know that he is there. When we grasp the fact that God is around, we can be assured that he will act. This promise is shown to us in Hebrew 13:5, he will never leave us nor forsake us.

A and K, God is near. Live in such a way that you see him and feel his presence. He wants to guide you and protect you as you walk though your life. He also has a word for you. If you are still and listen, he will instruct you as you make decisions. Trust him for he is willing to act on your behalf at just the right time. He is there for you to see, go and walk with him and listen to what he has to say.


Saturday, April 29, 2017

Quick Note: Sing to the Lord, Psalm 13:6

Sing to the Lord

Psalm 13:6 I will sing to the Lord,  for he has been good to me.

When you sing in church, why do you sing... to make yourself feel good, to lift another's spirit, or to express how you feel? These are all good reasons, but never forget the one who gave you the voice that sings out or hums along. Thank him in song for his goodnesses to you.

K and A, I know each of you sing. One is being trained to sing out, the other sings quietly along. Even though the Bible says we are to sing with excellence (Psalm 33:3), David tells us that an important is to sing to the Lord because of how he has helped you in your life. Sing daughters, Jesus and his father want to hear you!


Friday, April 28, 2017

Loved by the World, John 15:18 - 25

Loved by the World

John 15:19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

Do you feel out of place at work? Do people seem to think you are odd? Do they despise you? Everyone wants to feel accepted, but do not be surprised if non-Christians wished you weren't around or are mean to you. In fact Jesus says that this is the normal response if we are living like him. He goes on to say, that when we live in such a way that exposes their sin, they will hate us. It makes them uncomfortable.

I know this is not taught today in any church we may attend, but this is the crux of these verses. Do not be misled, it does not say we are to make them hate us, but it does say that when they do, it will be no surprise to us if we have kept in mind what Jesus said. What we believe, and more importantly what the Bible says, is contrary to their way of life and they feel the guilt that it brings, so they take it out on us.

A and K, I know what it feels like to be left out. I know what it feels like to be bullied... and not today's description. I tried to get along, but it still happened. How many times did it happen because I was a Christian... just a few times. As an adult I have been laughed at and scowled at. One guy growled and as said, "What are you, a Christian or something?"... He looked like he could eat me. Being back in the workplace around 20 guys or so... I feel left out many times. They are cruel in their speech and take digs at times... maybe I don't say enough.

Daughters, live your life in such a way that others know you are a Christian. If that bothers them, so be it. Jesus made the people around him feel the guilt of sin too. Treat others properly, but never be sad if you are not loved by the world.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Born to Rule, John 18:37

Born to Rule

John 18:37 "You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

Pilate was confused and in a tough spot. The Jewish leaders wanted Jesus gone, executed. He was becoming a problem to their authority. He needed to go so, that they might keep their standing among the people. They arrested Jesus and brought him before Pilate with trumped up charges and was asking for the death penalty. Now Pilate, a smart ruler in his own right, wasn't sure what to do with Jesus. If Jesus were truly aspiring to be a king, then he would be a threat to Roman rule and death would be an option. But Jesus did not resist. He was willingly taking his whippings and seemed to want to die...

Are you a king? Pilate asked. Jesus answers, Yes! He came to earth to be ruler of our hearts. His kingdom is not part of this world. He was no threat to Rome. He had a higher purpose. His rule would affect the lives of anyone who yielded to him. He would not force them like Rome. He simply knocks and asks anyone who is willing to come (Rev. 22:17, Luke 9:23). Join him, he will supply all your needs and protection.

K and A, Listen. Do you here him knocking? He wants to come into your life and be the king of your world. It is true. He wants you. He was born to rule in your life, but he will not force himself upon you. You must be willing to allow him to rule you... That's what it means for you to be a Christian, you allow Christ to rule over all your life. You were born to serve and he was born to rule. Give him all of yourself.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sin Separates, God Redeems Isaiah 59:2 & 20

Sin Separates, God Redeems

Isaiah 59:2 & 20 But your iniquities have separated you from God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. ... "The redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins."

It has been said that when Christ took upon himself the sins of the world, God the Father,  turn his face away and Christ called out, "My God, My God why have you forsaken me" (Mat 27:46)? Today's scripture reference alludes to this. Our sin is not simply wrong doing, a mistake. It has grave consequences. Sin separates!

It is a terrible thing to sin against the Lord. It brings a condemnation to the soul. We cannot expect to sin and not reap consequences (Gal 6:7). But that need not be the end. Our sins can be forgiven. We can be made right again! Jesus took our sins to the cross. He has paid the price with his own life! We can be made new (2 Cor. 5:17).

K and A, It is great to know that the penalty for your sins has been paid, because that penalty is a never ending torture in the lake of fire (Rev 21:8). You can avoid this death and live eternally with the one who paid the price (1 John 2:2). But don't rest on your laurels and think that efforts are worthless. You have a responsibility to live without sin, be holy as I am holy (1 Peter 1:16). Jesus will redeem the Christian who sins against his ways, and lift them up and renew the joy of their salvation. Daughters, if that joy of the Lord is not yours... repent of your sin and God will show himself to you and fill you with his Spirit and you will be filled with his love.


Vidoe's: May God touch you like he touched me...

Jesus Paid It All

He Paid the Debt I Solo with Guitar
He Paid the Debt II Ragtime Piano
He Paid the Debt III Duet with Accordian
He Paid the Debt IV Boiling Springs SC Mountain View Baptist, Congregational Choir.. Complete with foot stomping... Touched me the most though
He Paid the Debt V Mountain Anthems a Capella  Mennonites

Monday, April 24, 2017

Quick Note: In Full View, Proverbs 5:21

In Full View

Proverbs 5:21 For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths.

This verse is self explanatory and easily understood, but its truth still needs proclaimed. Many times we act in ways that show we either forget this truth or we don't care. For those that forget... make note, God is no fool, he sees and will judge us according to our actions whether or not we were once saved. (Proverbs 3:15 for the eyes of the Lord are everywhere...) And for those who don't care... there is a heaven and a hell. One day God will judge us and separate us. Those who are his will go to everlasting life and who are not will go to a place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, depart from me into the eternal fire (Matt 25:41).

A and K, This truth is most important to remember for your entire destiny is determined on how you live out your salvation. Know that God is there. He desires you walk with him and will give you the power to live for him. He sees and will help keep you from any temptation, nothing is to great if you desire to walk with him. This is why I write and why I pray for you. I want you to honor him in all your life, through all your life. Jesus loves you daughters, and so do I.


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Genesis 14, Part 4: Keeping Your Word, Verses 21 Thru 24

Keeping Your Word

Genesis 14:22 But Abram said to the King of Sodom, I have raised my hand to the Lord Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, and have taken an oath..."

Let you yes be yes and your no, no. Jesus said this in his Sermon on the Mount (Mat 5:37). He stated this in contrast to people couching the honor of their words by swearing an oath. Some would swear by the heavens, or the earth, by their great leader or the city of Jerusalem. Other even swore in the name of God or his throne. Jesus said NO! That is not right. You are to simply say the truth so people will always be able to trust you.

We hear the same thing today... "I swear on my mother's grave", "by George, I'm telling the truth", "cross my heart and hope to die", or "I swear, I mean it". Really, are we so naïve to think that if a person has to add extra words to get us to believe them, they are now somehow honorable... "that's what I said, but I had my fingers crossed". Jesus expects us to be truthful all the time. We are to keep our word. If we say we are going to so something, then we do it. "But that will cost me money, I wasn't planning on that... can't God give you much more money than that (2 Chron 25:9)? God expects us to fulfil our vows and quickly (Ecc 5:4). The Anabaptist have been known to refrain from taking oaths by swearing... "I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God." Instead they "affirm" to speak the truth. There was at least one president who took the oath of office this way. I have done so as a jurist.

K and A, how good is your word? Have you ever crossed your fingers to cancel out the promise you were making? I remember doing that when I was little. Many of your friends would not be alive today if what they said came true after they crossed their hearts. Abram kept his promise to God. He could have reneged and became rich off of his heroic deed. He had earned the spoils, yet he would not do so for he had given his word. You can be like that. As a child of God you are expected to be like that. People should be able to trust what you say. When you promise them something, they should have the confidence knowing you will follow through even if it means you lose out personally. Confirm the integrity of your word by simply saying yes and no then follow through.


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Born twice, John 3:7

Born Again

John 3:7 You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'

Would you be surprised if someone told you to be born again or otherwise you not see the kingdom of God? Well, Nicodemus was confused, and so would you, if you had been him. It was a strange and new concept that he was soon to learn about... being born in the spirit, by the power of God unto salvation (Ro 1:16).

Yesterday, we learned of being baptized twice, but here is where it all begins. Unless you have been born of the Spirit - your spirit made new, you will never be filled with the Spirit. At your second birth, you become a new creation where the old is gone for the new has come (2 Cor 5:17)! You can't be filled with the Spirit of God if you never where born of the Spirit in the first place. Anyone can be baptized with water, but only those born again can be baptized with the Spirit.

K and A, each of you has had a birthday... or two, getting old are you? That day you made your parents smile from ear to ear. They were so happy when you were born.... cute little things you were. :^). But then you grew up... still cute? Not important. What is important that you are born again and living for Jesus... that is what make a mom and dad most happy. So, make every effort to remain in the faith (2 Pet 1:10), for it is not only important to be born again but to stay alive. Then when you die, you will see the kingdom of God! What a honor and privilege it will be.


Friday, April 21, 2017

Baptized Twice, John 1:33

Baptized Twice

John 1:33 And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, 'The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.'

Being baptized holds great value. It is a command of Christ and people have argued over the question, "Will you go to heaven if you have not been baptized"? The only thing I will say to the question is, "where did the thief on the cross go"... Although he had no choice, we do. We must understand the importance of baptism in the life of the believer. Understanding the concept can give to us a devotion and direction that causes us to honor God fully in our lives.

But, there is a second baptism that is more important. That baptism gives us the power to act out the commitment that the water baptism desires. It is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, most of us Christians never experience the Spirit in his fullness. Therefor, we do not experience full devotion and purity in Christ. Our holiness is brought about by our own efforts and all to often falls short of our desires.

K and A, each of you have seen the power of the Spirit "bless" someone in a service. Maybe, it was scary or unnerving to you. It has been for me at times. But, maybe like me, you have desired some of what they expressed. You didn't see a falseness to their experience, you may have wondered how they could be so close to God that the Spirit would move on them so. And, you wondered could that ever happen to me, what would it be like?

Daughters, don't quench the Spirit's fire (1 Thes 5:19). I know that in my Bible studies I have felt the presence of the Lord so strong I ask for him to stop for it was to much for me... I desire to sense that again, but what will it take? You must have a desire to be led by God in all areas of your life. You must yield all desires to him. You must die to self and the world (Col 3:5). Then, as with water baptism, you must walk in and not fear and submit to being covered with the fullness of the Spirit and when you are blessed... you will express your love for Him in ways that shows you have been baptized twice.


PS... You two have seen this. It is in both of your churches' heritage, Wesley and BiC. Never be satisfied being the pew sitter. Be filled with all of the Holy Spirit and you'll never be the same! Entire sanctification, blessed!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Salvation is Here, Luke 2:30

Salvation is Here

Luke 2:30 For my eyes have seen your salvation

Simeon waited his entire life. God, through the Holy Spirit, had revealed to him that he would see the Christ before he died. He was a righteous and devout man and trusted that God would keep his word. Most of the Jews were waiting for the salvation God had promised and Simeon was waiting as well, and this day he looked up and saw salvation had come.

How was it that Simeon saw the Lord's salvation while everyone else, besides Anna, missed it. Maybe it was because he was looking for it,  possibly it was because he was devout and righteous. It took both. It will take the same for us. We must keep our lives from sin. We must devote ourselves to God's Word and to living that Word out in our daily lives... every day.

A and K, your salvation is before you. Will you take notice? Christ was only 8 days old when recognized and declared the salvation of mankind, a light unto all. But for you, he has been around over 2000 years, but still many do not recognize him. Yet you know him! Your Redemption draws nigh. He wants to walk with you and have you sense his presence. He will help you to be righteous, living out his Word. What a glory it is to know that Christ, your salvation is here.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Filled with Glory, Ezekiel 43:5

Filled with Glory

Ezekiel 43:5b and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.

Ezekiel was told of a coming temple, a place where God would forever preside. God would never leave them and his glory would fill the temple!

What would it take for that to happen? A return to the Lord! The people of Israel would have to be ashamed of their sins and put away their detestable practices. Then the Lord would return and make the temple holy.

Christians are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19). When we rid ourselves of our detestable practices, God will come and abide with us. In doing this we will make a place for him to reside and he will fill us with his Spirit and his glory will engulf our lives!

A and K, rid your lives of all that entangles (He 12:1) There have been great Christians that have gone before you and they are examples to guide your way. Live in holiness being totally dedicated to God and not to this world and its practices. When you choose to do this, you will be filled with his glory as he makes his home with you!


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Harvest Time, Matthew 9:37

Harvest Time

Matthew 9:37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest it plentiful but the workers are few."

Just 3 days ago we planted our garden. It is very early not only for us but also for the types of seed we planted. The spring has been warm and no signs of frost are in the forecast. If we get an early start we will get an early harvest. This could have many benefits. Sweet corn can be sold for a premium, potato bugs and other bugs could be thrown off schedule and not have as much effect, and the high heats and lack of rain in summer can be avoided. We are hoping for a bountiful crop.

God is also expecting a bountiful crop. Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful. He, of course, was talking a spiritual harvest. He saw how the people who came to him were harassed and helpless, needing someone to guide them. The disciples were to pray that God would send workers to help out.

K and A, will you be one of the workers for God? I know in some ways you already are. Pray to the Lord to send workers to help with the nurturing of souls. Keep yourselves in tune spiritually, so you will be ready to go when he calls. The seeds which have been planted in you are now ripe and ready to be used by God.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Foolish Nothing, Ecclesiastes 4:5

Foolish Nothing

Ecclesiastes 4:5 The fool folds his hands and ruins himself

There is much to be done around us. If we busy ourselves too much and lose sight of the important things of life, like Martha (Luke 10:42), we miss out on the blessings of God. Worse yet, if we put the things of life ahead of His kingdom, we will not be given the essential things of life. All our toil will be done in vain.

But, this verse talks about the opposite lifestyle. It speaks of the fool who does nothing. Fools who do nothing end up leaching off of others. The Bible says, the one who is unwilling to work shall not eat (2 Thess. 3:10). Our society props up the poor whether or not the can work. This is not good. But even so, the fool who does nothing suffers for it.

Daughters, be diligent. Get your work done. Keep active in the things of the Lord. You will find that is not only provides the basics of life... it will bring satisfaction and contentment. The Holy Spirit will walk and work along side you, and true success will be yours for you were no fool. It pays to serve the Lord!


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Blessing

May God be special to you today. His son, Jesus, arose from the dead so that you may have new life. We are dead in our sins but when we take them to the cross and are crucified there, We can rose to new life (Ro. 6:4-6).

I pray that Christ may fill you with joy as you think of all you are and all you can be in Christ!


Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Awesome Lord, Psalm 47:2

The Awesome Lord

Psalm 47:2 How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth.

As Jesus entered Jerusalem the week before his death, he was lauded as the blessed Savior in the highest order. They threw their palm branches down as he rode on a donkey into the city. He was loved and admired and rightly so. He was, He is, He always will be the King over all the earth. Our awesome Lord!

K and A, recognize the greatness of your savior. He is far superior to any god others serve. He is the only true God. Praise and honor him by becoming obedient to his call on your life. When the way is unclear, continue to do the things you know are right. James said a religion that is worthy is one where you take care of the needy (those that cannot provide for themselves) and one where you keep yourselves from being polluted by the ways of the world (James 1:27).

When you live according to the Word you can be assured that God will direct your life, so that you end up at the right place. There you can serve him to your fullest and will look back and know you serve an awesome Lord.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My True Family, Mark 3:31 - 35

My True Family

Mark 3:35 Whoever does God's will is my brother and my sister and my mother.

Families are is disarray these day in America. Even the understanding if what a family is has been polluted. We all have heard it said that blood is thinker than water, and for the most part, I agree. There are certain things needed for a family to exist. A real family has a structure. There is a father and a mother and at least one child. There is an authority structure running in the same order. And most importantly, there is love.

Mark, in this verse, was quoting Jesus who wanted everyone to know that we can be part of the family of God. (He was not minimizing his physical family.) Jesus provided the way to become his sibling. He died on the cross, shedding his blood, so we could be freed from sin to do the will of his father. In our homes, Children have a responsibility of obedience as well. If they do not honor their parents, they destroy the family unit, for they have chosen to go their own way.

The same is true in God's family. God, the Father, sent his only Son into the world, because he loved us so much. If we believe in him, we will obey him and will become part of his family. This is an everlasting promise, and we can be part of his family forever and ever (Jn 3:16).

K and A, do you submit to God's authority? I sure hope so. By doing so you will follow his Word and you will be granted the right to be sisters of Christ forever! (Jn 1:12), his blood will keep you secure.

I am glad you are part of my family too. Too many families are destroyed by not having family structure: authority, obedience, and love. This is sad. There must be love between mother and father, and children and parents, and between siblings themselves. What will you choose for your family; the one you are in now and the family you hope to have in the future? Will you help develop the structure it needs to survive? God will help you keep the family knit together when you put his ways first.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Watch Out for Lions, Proverbs 26:13

Watch Out for Lions

Proverbs 26:13  A sluggard says, "There's a lion in the road, a fierce lion roaming the streets!"

Its been awhile since I have written and when I had it was spotty at best. Although I have been busy with NOCTI and a crashed computer and someone's wedding announcements, still I have slacked off in my responsibilities. Hopefully, I am about to get better.

This verse is a great reminder of how each of us can make excuses to why we don't get our work done. But as you look for the truth in the matter, you find that it always boils down to this... We choose to do what we deem most important at the time. I'm not saying here that what we do is the most important, rather we make it the most important thing to do.

Daughters, So stop making excuses why you can't get this or that done. Create ways to accomplish what is most important in God's eyes and get up and get it done and the lions will run and hide!


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Genesis 14, Part 3: Blessed Be God, Verses 18 Thru 20

Blessed Be God

Genesis 14:20 "...And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand." Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

What is it like to bless someone, for the one blessed and for the "blessor" themselves? Certainly the one blessed is full of gratitude. They sense the honor given them and are thankful to the one who blessed them. They have just been given a gift and desire to return the favor, but how? And the "blessor", They have just rewarded someone, maybe for something they had done or just because they existed. Either way, there is satisfaction in knowing they made a difference in the person's life. They sense it, they can tell they have made their day.

Abram had found success in his mission for rescuing Lot from his captors. At a banquet honoring Abram, the Priest stand and gives tribute to Abram stating how God Most High, the Creator of heaven and earth, delivered the enemy into Abram's hands. Abram recognizes God's faithful and strong hand and acknowledges God by returning some to him, a tenth of all he had.

So, who was the "blessor" and who was the "blesse" in this scripture? I believe both were. It became reciprocal. God honored Abram for what he was willing to do. He lived out God's character and gave him success in his undertakings. Abram recognized it wasn't his great abilities that made his mission a success, rather it was the hand of God at work. He was touched in his spirit and wanted to give back to him, something to says thanks... so he gave him a tenth of everything (believed to be a tenth of the spoils of battle). It is not stated, but I am sure God smiled, and he too was blessed by this act of gratitude.

K and A, this practice of tithing started by Abram continues today. In fact, Jesus told the Pharisees that they should not neglect tithing (Matt 23:23 & Lk. 11:42). It should be easy for you to see from the story of Melchizedek why God loves tithing. Tithing is a recognition of who owns it all and who it is that gives you success. It is an acknowledgement that as talented as you are, and though you plan and work hard for what you get, if not for God Most High, you would fail. When you see this true, you too will be filled with gratitude and return to him 10% of everything earned, your tithe. In fact when you are truly grateful, you will desire to give more. Know that God will see and bless you even more. Like Luke says in 6:38 of his first book... Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. You will be both the blesse and the blessor.  Blessed be God!
