Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Filled with Glory, Ezekiel 43:5

Filled with Glory

Ezekiel 43:5b and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.

Ezekiel was told of a coming temple, a place where God would forever preside. God would never leave them and his glory would fill the temple!

What would it take for that to happen? A return to the Lord! The people of Israel would have to be ashamed of their sins and put away their detestable practices. Then the Lord would return and make the temple holy.

Christians are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19). When we rid ourselves of our detestable practices, God will come and abide with us. In doing this we will make a place for him to reside and he will fill us with his Spirit and his glory will engulf our lives!

A and K, rid your lives of all that entangles (He 12:1) There have been great Christians that have gone before you and they are examples to guide your way. Live in holiness being totally dedicated to God and not to this world and its practices. When you choose to do this, you will be filled with his glory as he makes his home with you!


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