Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My True Family, Mark 3:31 - 35

My True Family

Mark 3:35 Whoever does God's will is my brother and my sister and my mother.

Families are is disarray these day in America. Even the understanding if what a family is has been polluted. We all have heard it said that blood is thinker than water, and for the most part, I agree. There are certain things needed for a family to exist. A real family has a structure. There is a father and a mother and at least one child. There is an authority structure running in the same order. And most importantly, there is love.

Mark, in this verse, was quoting Jesus who wanted everyone to know that we can be part of the family of God. (He was not minimizing his physical family.) Jesus provided the way to become his sibling. He died on the cross, shedding his blood, so we could be freed from sin to do the will of his father. In our homes, Children have a responsibility of obedience as well. If they do not honor their parents, they destroy the family unit, for they have chosen to go their own way.

The same is true in God's family. God, the Father, sent his only Son into the world, because he loved us so much. If we believe in him, we will obey him and will become part of his family. This is an everlasting promise, and we can be part of his family forever and ever (Jn 3:16).

K and A, do you submit to God's authority? I sure hope so. By doing so you will follow his Word and you will be granted the right to be sisters of Christ forever! (Jn 1:12), his blood will keep you secure.

I am glad you are part of my family too. Too many families are destroyed by not having family structure: authority, obedience, and love. This is sad. There must be love between mother and father, and children and parents, and between siblings themselves. What will you choose for your family; the one you are in now and the family you hope to have in the future? Will you help develop the structure it needs to survive? God will help you keep the family knit together when you put his ways first.


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