Thursday, April 27, 2017

Born to Rule, John 18:37

Born to Rule

John 18:37 "You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

Pilate was confused and in a tough spot. The Jewish leaders wanted Jesus gone, executed. He was becoming a problem to their authority. He needed to go so, that they might keep their standing among the people. They arrested Jesus and brought him before Pilate with trumped up charges and was asking for the death penalty. Now Pilate, a smart ruler in his own right, wasn't sure what to do with Jesus. If Jesus were truly aspiring to be a king, then he would be a threat to Roman rule and death would be an option. But Jesus did not resist. He was willingly taking his whippings and seemed to want to die...

Are you a king? Pilate asked. Jesus answers, Yes! He came to earth to be ruler of our hearts. His kingdom is not part of this world. He was no threat to Rome. He had a higher purpose. His rule would affect the lives of anyone who yielded to him. He would not force them like Rome. He simply knocks and asks anyone who is willing to come (Rev. 22:17, Luke 9:23). Join him, he will supply all your needs and protection.

K and A, Listen. Do you here him knocking? He wants to come into your life and be the king of your world. It is true. He wants you. He was born to rule in your life, but he will not force himself upon you. You must be willing to allow him to rule you... That's what it means for you to be a Christian, you allow Christ to rule over all your life. You were born to serve and he was born to rule. Give him all of yourself.


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