Sunday, April 30, 2017

Genesis 15:1a, For you to See

For You to See

Genesis 15:1a After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision...

Abram had just gotten back from rescuing Lot and others who had been captured during the battle in the Valley of Siddim. Upon getting back, he honored God by tithing one tenth of all the spoils, not including the property of those from Sodom and others who had been captured. After this... God came and spoke to Abram in a vision and gave him a promise.

This lesson is not about the promise, it is about the God, who at just the right time comes and speaks to us. Through the act of tithing we know that Abram recognized God's arm of strength and provision. Yet, he also knew that the kings he had defeated would most likely regroup, and there would be no peace. God came to him at just the right time and made a promise. He wanted Abram to know that he was there for him, so he came to him in a vision.

God wants us to see him, to know that he is there. When we grasp the fact that God is around, we can be assured that he will act. This promise is shown to us in Hebrew 13:5, he will never leave us nor forsake us.

A and K, God is near. Live in such a way that you see him and feel his presence. He wants to guide you and protect you as you walk though your life. He also has a word for you. If you are still and listen, he will instruct you as you make decisions. Trust him for he is willing to act on your behalf at just the right time. He is there for you to see, go and walk with him and listen to what he has to say.


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