Friday, April 21, 2017

Baptized Twice, John 1:33

Baptized Twice

John 1:33 And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, 'The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.'

Being baptized holds great value. It is a command of Christ and people have argued over the question, "Will you go to heaven if you have not been baptized"? The only thing I will say to the question is, "where did the thief on the cross go"... Although he had no choice, we do. We must understand the importance of baptism in the life of the believer. Understanding the concept can give to us a devotion and direction that causes us to honor God fully in our lives.

But, there is a second baptism that is more important. That baptism gives us the power to act out the commitment that the water baptism desires. It is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, most of us Christians never experience the Spirit in his fullness. Therefor, we do not experience full devotion and purity in Christ. Our holiness is brought about by our own efforts and all to often falls short of our desires.

K and A, each of you have seen the power of the Spirit "bless" someone in a service. Maybe, it was scary or unnerving to you. It has been for me at times. But, maybe like me, you have desired some of what they expressed. You didn't see a falseness to their experience, you may have wondered how they could be so close to God that the Spirit would move on them so. And, you wondered could that ever happen to me, what would it be like?

Daughters, don't quench the Spirit's fire (1 Thes 5:19). I know that in my Bible studies I have felt the presence of the Lord so strong I ask for him to stop for it was to much for me... I desire to sense that again, but what will it take? You must have a desire to be led by God in all areas of your life. You must yield all desires to him. You must die to self and the world (Col 3:5). Then, as with water baptism, you must walk in and not fear and submit to being covered with the fullness of the Spirit and when you are blessed... you will express your love for Him in ways that shows you have been baptized twice.


PS... You two have seen this. It is in both of your churches' heritage, Wesley and BiC. Never be satisfied being the pew sitter. Be filled with all of the Holy Spirit and you'll never be the same! Entire sanctification, blessed!

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