Saturday, April 22, 2017

Born twice, John 3:7

Born Again

John 3:7 You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'

Would you be surprised if someone told you to be born again or otherwise you not see the kingdom of God? Well, Nicodemus was confused, and so would you, if you had been him. It was a strange and new concept that he was soon to learn about... being born in the spirit, by the power of God unto salvation (Ro 1:16).

Yesterday, we learned of being baptized twice, but here is where it all begins. Unless you have been born of the Spirit - your spirit made new, you will never be filled with the Spirit. At your second birth, you become a new creation where the old is gone for the new has come (2 Cor 5:17)! You can't be filled with the Spirit of God if you never where born of the Spirit in the first place. Anyone can be baptized with water, but only those born again can be baptized with the Spirit.

K and A, each of you has had a birthday... or two, getting old are you? That day you made your parents smile from ear to ear. They were so happy when you were born.... cute little things you were. :^). But then you grew up... still cute? Not important. What is important that you are born again and living for Jesus... that is what make a mom and dad most happy. So, make every effort to remain in the faith (2 Pet 1:10), for it is not only important to be born again but to stay alive. Then when you die, you will see the kingdom of God! What a honor and privilege it will be.


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