Monday, April 24, 2017

Quick Note: In Full View, Proverbs 5:21

In Full View

Proverbs 5:21 For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths.

This verse is self explanatory and easily understood, but its truth still needs proclaimed. Many times we act in ways that show we either forget this truth or we don't care. For those that forget... make note, God is no fool, he sees and will judge us according to our actions whether or not we were once saved. (Proverbs 3:15 for the eyes of the Lord are everywhere...) And for those who don't care... there is a heaven and a hell. One day God will judge us and separate us. Those who are his will go to everlasting life and who are not will go to a place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, depart from me into the eternal fire (Matt 25:41).

A and K, This truth is most important to remember for your entire destiny is determined on how you live out your salvation. Know that God is there. He desires you walk with him and will give you the power to live for him. He sees and will help keep you from any temptation, nothing is to great if you desire to walk with him. This is why I write and why I pray for you. I want you to honor him in all your life, through all your life. Jesus loves you daughters, and so do I.


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