Friday, April 28, 2017

Loved by the World, John 15:18 - 25

Loved by the World

John 15:19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

Do you feel out of place at work? Do people seem to think you are odd? Do they despise you? Everyone wants to feel accepted, but do not be surprised if non-Christians wished you weren't around or are mean to you. In fact Jesus says that this is the normal response if we are living like him. He goes on to say, that when we live in such a way that exposes their sin, they will hate us. It makes them uncomfortable.

I know this is not taught today in any church we may attend, but this is the crux of these verses. Do not be misled, it does not say we are to make them hate us, but it does say that when they do, it will be no surprise to us if we have kept in mind what Jesus said. What we believe, and more importantly what the Bible says, is contrary to their way of life and they feel the guilt that it brings, so they take it out on us.

A and K, I know what it feels like to be left out. I know what it feels like to be bullied... and not today's description. I tried to get along, but it still happened. How many times did it happen because I was a Christian... just a few times. As an adult I have been laughed at and scowled at. One guy growled and as said, "What are you, a Christian or something?"... He looked like he could eat me. Being back in the workplace around 20 guys or so... I feel left out many times. They are cruel in their speech and take digs at times... maybe I don't say enough.

Daughters, live your life in such a way that others know you are a Christian. If that bothers them, so be it. Jesus made the people around him feel the guilt of sin too. Treat others properly, but never be sad if you are not loved by the world.


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