Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Harvest Time, Matthew 9:37

Harvest Time

Matthew 9:37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest it plentiful but the workers are few."

Just 3 days ago we planted our garden. It is very early not only for us but also for the types of seed we planted. The spring has been warm and no signs of frost are in the forecast. If we get an early start we will get an early harvest. This could have many benefits. Sweet corn can be sold for a premium, potato bugs and other bugs could be thrown off schedule and not have as much effect, and the high heats and lack of rain in summer can be avoided. We are hoping for a bountiful crop.

God is also expecting a bountiful crop. Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful. He, of course, was talking a spiritual harvest. He saw how the people who came to him were harassed and helpless, needing someone to guide them. The disciples were to pray that God would send workers to help out.

K and A, will you be one of the workers for God? I know in some ways you already are. Pray to the Lord to send workers to help with the nurturing of souls. Keep yourselves in tune spiritually, so you will be ready to go when he calls. The seeds which have been planted in you are now ripe and ready to be used by God.


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